中西部相关最近发布了对400 Lake Shore Drive的提议,由建筑师David Childs与建筑师Scott Duncan和Skidmore Owings&Merrill(SOM)的结构工程师William Baker(SOM)相距150英尺。

The plan for the 2.2-acre, waterfront site that's been home to a 76-ft-deep construction hole for a decade calls for a 1,100-foot southern tower containing 300 condo units and 175 hotel rooms and an adjoining 850-foot tower with 550 rental apartments. The hole was left behind when the 2,000-foot-tall Chicago Spire project, designed by Santiago Calatrava, halted construction right in the middle of the global financial crisis in 2008. Several developers tried to revive the Spire project to no avail. Childs said SOM chose a terracotta and glass facade to reference Chicago's architectural history but also to dampen the noise from busy Lake Shore Drive.

“位于芝加哥市成立的地方 - 在密歇根湖和芝加哥河的会议上 - 我们提出了一个新的城市目的地:两个住宅塔楼,在其基地和天空中都有标志性的标志性,位置,轮换和不同身高,”柴尔德斯说。

这是两位塔的开发项目,位于芝加哥少数几个开放海滨景点之一,仍然需要城市认可,但相关的中西部希望在2019年夏天在这两座塔楼上破土动工,并在2023年之前将该项目交付到2023年,该地点是最后一个未开发的地面芝加哥河的嘴和Reless说,它计划将豪华公寓和公寓住宅以及一家精品酒店混合在一起,并设有相邻的Riverwalk,可为行人提供从市区前往湖滨的行人。该计划的1,025个住宅和酒店单位比以前批准的计划的1200公寓降低了一步,这将需要分区差异。相关还向一座新的可刺穿的公园计划建造了1000万美元,但从未在芝加哥河以北的3.3英亩半岛和湖岸大道以东建造,以纪念非裔美国人先驱者让·巴蒂斯特角(Jean Baptiste Point du Sable)。相关并没有发布超出其对公园开发的承诺之外的财务成本预测,但两售货机的发展可能至少要花费10亿美元才能在芝加哥建筑市场上融资。

The 1,100-ft-tall tower represents the latest of several supertall buildings includingOne Chicago Square论坛塔财产的重建in the planning or construction stages that could significantly change Chicago's skyline. Only the Willis Tower, Trump Tower, the Aon Center, and 875 N Michigan Ave. (formerly known as the John Hancock Tower) would be taller than it if built as planned.