
Mixed-use development in smaller cities such as Portland, Maine, and Burlington, Vt., is at “peak intensity,” says Jay Fayette, president and chief operating officer of PC Construction. “Almost every older building or older parking lot [in these cities] is being viewed as an opportunity for high-end or mid-level residential development.”


In Burlington, PC is building the $225-million CityPlace development. The mixed-use project involves demolishing and replacing an existing 1976 shopping mall, which mostly turned its back on the street, with a street-facing mall that also has 288 apartments and 230,000 sq ft of office space.

PC recently completed the $22.5-million mixed-use Hiawatha Building in Portland, Maine. The eight-story, 142,000-sq-ft building includes 139 apartments, ground-floor retail and subgrade and ground-level parking.



ENR New England Top Specialty Contractors 2018


The top five firms on this year’s contractor list collected a combined $4.6 billion in revenue, up from $4.4 billion last year. Participating in New England’s survey for the first time, Turner Construction Co. was the No. 1-ranked firm with $1.19 billion in revenue. Turner ranks slightly ahead of Suffolk and Consigli Construction Co., which reported $1.14 billion and $1.09 billion in revenue, respectively.

专业承包商调查中的前五家公司在2017年的收入中记录了13亿美元,高于上一年的9.774亿美元。Emcor Group Inc.再次以3.773亿美元的收入排名第一。标准普尔混凝土以2.358亿美元的价格排名第二,韦恩·J·格里芬电力公司(Wayne J. Griffin Electric Inc.)以2.349亿美元的价格排名第三。

J.C. Cannistraro LLC - 新英格兰年度最新利luck佳特殊承包商(请参阅第14页),以2.22亿美元的区域收入排名第四。

W.L. Bill French Jr.说,康涅狄格州,缅因州,马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州的建筑公司受益于实验室工作。法国挖掘公司马萨诸塞州比勒里卡(Billerica)公司报告的收入为8490万美元,高于去年的7388万美元。该公司连续第二年在专业承包商名单上排名第11。

French recently completed a $1.4-million demolition project for an atrium addition for Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc. in Cambridge, Mass. French’s scope of work on the project, under construction by John Moriarty & Associates, included excavation and backfill for foundations and underslab utilities along with grading and prep work for site improvements.



对于法国人在马萨诸塞州剑桥市的宾尼街399号的840万美元合同,该公司拆除了该地点的现有建筑物,搬迁了现有的公用事业,并构建了内部支撑的薄板 - 钢堆Cofferdam,以支持22英尺深的挖掘。


伯灵顿,PC将交付入股事宜nd phase of a $104-million University of Vermont science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) complex in June 2019. PC completed the project’s first phase last year. The school’s record-size capital project includes three interconnected buildings and 20 teaching labs.

PC’s Fayette predicts that large universities will continue building STEM facilities to comply with requirements for applying for federal research grants.
