
Massachusetts chose developer Vineyard Wind to build 800 MW—half of the state's intended 10-year offshore wind energy goal—and Rhode Island picked Deepwater Wind to build 400 MW.

The latter developed the first and only operating U.S. offshore wind facility at Block Island, generating 30 MW.

The hugely scaled-up new projects, to be located south of Martha’s Vineyard in leased federal ocean sites, represent what Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) called the “largest single offshore wind procurement in the world.”

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马萨诸塞州清洁能源中心首席执行官史蒂夫·派克(Steve Pike)说:“东北被称为海上风的沙特阿拉伯。”它评估了18个潜在的制造投资网站,并正在举办论坛,以将顶级供应商与本地业务联系起来。他说,升级后的马萨诸塞州新贝德福德海洋码头已准备好用于海上风施工支持,葡萄园项目将在那里进行。

The state expects to issue another wind farm solicitation in about one year to create a project pipeline. “We’re optimistic,” says Pike.

位于路易斯安那州路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸制造商的高级副总裁罗伊·弗朗西斯(Roy Francis)为Block Island Farm建造并安装了钢铁基础,他说该公司正在称重东北制造场,以支持美国的海上风增长。

“Hopefully, the majority of steel fabrication will be done in the U.S.,” he says, but notes that steel parts can also be imported from China and Europe.

Vineyard also is investing about $2 million to build a skilled offshore wind workforce centered in southeast Massachusetts for an estimated 3,600 new jobs, including 1,500 in construction. Deepwater Wind’s project is expected to create more than 800 construction jobs. It plans to invest $250 million locally and says it has not received tax incentives or credits.

Massachusetts selected Vineyard’s estimated $2-billion proposal for power and associated undersea transmission lines that would have 400 MW on line in 2021 and 400 MW in 2022. It is a joint venture of U.S.-based Avangrid Renewables, part of Spain’s Iberdrola Group, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, a Danish investment fund.

Three major Massachusetts' utilities—National Grid, Eversource Energy and UNITIL—delayed the selection by a month, citing the unexpected complexity of the three bids submitted and other factors. The three bids, were actually 20 separate submissions—some with multiple pricing and other options that included several complex scenarios that required detailed and demanding analysis.

A contract with Vineyard must be negotiated by July 2 and submitted by July 31 to state regulators. Vineyard filed in December the required federal environmental and construction operations plans to begin work in 2019 and is negotiating to secure transmission services and power purchase agreements.

In its proposal, Vineyard said the project would provide $3.72 billion of benefits to Massachusetts.

"While the federal administration sits out this race, Massachusetts has the chance to win it with historic offshore wind projects," saidMeagan Greene高级主管政策和操作Alliance for Business Leadership in Boston, in a June 6 opinion in The Lowell (Mass.) Sun. "In addition to the economic benefits, a project of this size will contribute to Massachusetts' emission reduction targets set in the Global Warming Solutions Act in 2008."

Pace Quickens

Rhode Island picked Deepwater Wind’s project through participation in Massachusetts’ clean energy procurement process. State regulators independently evaluated proposals, said Gov. Gina Raimondo (D). Last year she set a goal to have 1,000 MW of clean energy by 2020.

深水风正在与公用事业国家电网进行谈判。Survey work has begun, and construction could begin in 2020, with the project on line in 2023. The 50-turbine project will be in the same federal lease area as Deepwater’s 90-MW South Fork wind farm that was approved last year by New York’s Long Island Power Authority.


来自每个涡轮机的电缆将连接到电气服务平台,该平台将电源从66 kV转换为220 kV。陆上变压器的电缆将埋在海底六英尺的地方。

The two 400-MW projects will deliver power without needing to upgrade the existing transmission system, says Vineyard.

深水风的提议逐渐增加了海上风,以利用成本下降,并将其与网格规模的泵送存储和可扩展的传输相结合。18luck.cub该公司没有透露最初建造的能力金额。该公司表示,增加风能可以将纳税人从3亿美元降低到6亿美元。Deepwater Wind表示,革命风项目的提议旨在作为区域能源中心。

Bay State Wind, a joint venture of developers Orsted and Eversource and the only bidder not selected, “remains fully committed” to the partnership, it says. The pair has since submitted a200-MW offshore wind bid in Connecticut.

New Jersey aims to kickstart a goal to develop 3,500 MW by 2030 with a bill signed by Gov. Phil Murphy (D) on May 31 that requires regulators to review within 90 days the long-planned 24-MW Fishermen’s Energy project that predecessor Gov. Chris Christie (R) opposed.

New York plans to have 2,400 MW come on line by 2030