A federal judge on June 7 granted a preliminary injunction preventing the Dept. of Energy from enacting a stop work order that would have cancelled construction of the over-budget, behind-schedule MOX project at Savannah River Site. The decision prevented the issuance of as many as 900 job cancellation notices by contractor CB&I AREVA MOX Services. The contractor had planned to issue notices to affected workers “as soon as possible the week of June 11.”

南卡罗来纳州曾寻求禁令,以应对能源部长里克·佩里(Rick Perry)5月10日的行动有效地结束了DOE将资金用于项目建设。根据2018年《国防授权法》,新近授予了DOE的本质上停止MOX的授权。MOX项目最初旨在将34吨武器级的ponto列转换为商业核燃料,这是美国与俄罗斯一项协议规定的美国首选的percos脚处理方法。

佩里(Perry)5月10日的信也证明,DOE和国家核安全管理局(DOE)的半自治部门(DOE)转向了另一种称为“稀释和处置”的p处置方法,其中涉及将p luttonium与其他材料混合在一起。

South Carolina had argued in its motion that because dilute and dispose was not yet a viable alternative, the proposed switch risked leaving 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium sitting at Savannah River Site with no viable path out of the state.

美国地方法院法官米歇尔·柴尔德斯(Michelle Childs)在6月7日的裁决中裁定,DOE的诉讼没有采取措施使稀释和处置MOX的可行替代方案,并指出联邦政府已忽略了满足《国家环境政策法》的要求。

The judge reasoned then that canceling the MOX project would have the effect of “reversing and rendering pointless over 20 years of studies, decisions, efforts and substantial monetary investments to develop the MOX Facility to complete the United States’ disposition mission.”

Childs补充说,如果制定了DOE的停车命令,则与CB&I Areva MOX服务的合同终止,并且对该项目的劳动力解雇将“没有可行的方法来恢复MOX项目”。

莫克斯的主要支持者林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)参议员林赛·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)在6月8日的声明中说:“终止MOX的决定将是联邦政府任意和反复无常的决策的案例研究。”新利luck


In 2016, DOE estimated that at the current pace of funding, construction would be completed in 2048, at a total cost of nearly $17.2 billion.


莫克斯评论家汤姆·克莱门茨(Mox Criticle Clements)在注意到从州撤离全州的途径的重要性时,带有萨凡纳河网站观察,并指出,当前项目实现该目标的能力是值得商bat的。


When Perry announced DOE’s attempt to halt MOX construction, he also noted that the agency was planning to convert the unfinished MOX structure into a manufacturing plant for plutonium pits, a component of nuclear weapons.

美国核工业委员会执行主任戴维·布莱(David Blee)称拟议的转换为p坑生产是“海市rage楼”,他认为这一想法是“试图诱使南卡罗来纳州的试图”,以阻止莫克斯。他补充说:“你可以说适得其反。”

Moving forward, Blee believes it’s possible to rally Congressional support for increased funding for the project. “There’s a lot of momentum coming out of this decision,” he said.