在过去的十年中,Jokake Construction Services已从领先的室内装修承包商转变为医疗保健,高科技和工业项目的首选。18luck官网

Jokake的收入增加了8140万美元2017 from $27 million in 2013, says Casey Cartier, president and CEO. That’s an increase of about 200%.


“It is interesting how many people want the same service on a big commercial job that we would give on a 5,000-sq-ft tenant improvement,” Cartier says.

Verde Investments总法律顾问史蒂文·约翰逊(Steven Johnson)等客户表示同意。


由于这些原因和其他原因,Jokake Construction Services已被评为西南航空的2018年度承包商。新利luck

Past to Future

Mike and Gary Smith founded the firm in 1983. They spent the first 23 years developing Jokake’s reputation as a tenant improvements expert. Cartier says the brothers decided to transition the firm to employee ownership around 2006 and completed the process in 2013.

卡地亚(Cartier)以前与瑞安·哥斯(Ryan Cos。)一起,于2012年加入了乔克(Jokake),目的是使承包商成为行业领导者,包括格林菲尔德建筑公司(Greenfield Construction)。

“Jokake has always been a great company with great relationships,” says Pat Baldwin, director and a 15-year veteran of the firm. “From where we were to where we are now, it’s a huge difference; Casey unshackled us.”

卡地亚(Cartier)说,凯克(Jokake)从一个孤立的多个部门结构演变而来,涵盖了许多以服务为重点的项目团队。在两名导演鲍德温(Baldwin)和约翰·帕内尔(John Parnell)的领导下,项目团队是根据谁的可用人物组装而组装的,并且与客户拥有最佳的团队。卡地亚(Cartier)说,六个部门之间的客户服务水平不同,使客户之间的满意度不同。


The 60-person firm currently specializes in office, industrial and health care. Project managers perform field services as well as business development and preconstruction. The firm also has staff highly adept with all types of BIM software and hardware.

Jeff Randl, vice president, at Alliance Plumbing, describes Jokake as a “great general contractor” that really understands the contractor/subcontractor relationship.

Employee Ownership Makes a Difference



All prospective employees must have a current Jokake employee fill out a bio-sketch. That employee then becomes the candidate’s champion. The contractor’s leaders then conduct at least three individual and group interviews before hiring anyone.




“We have much experience and depth of understanding and can bring it to bear on any project,” he says.

Project Future是与McCarthy Nordburg,RSP Architects,Smithgroupjjr和Evolution Design建立四个“未来的办公室套房”的Jokake合作伙伴关系,就是这项技能的一个例子。该团队在凤凰城市中心的Renaissance Square上为业主Oaktree Capital Management和Cypress办公物业创建了四个不同的当代工作区。

Another recent notable project is Carvana’s Southwest Distribution Center in Tolleson, Ariz., southwest of Phoenix. Construction included five buildings on a 40-acre site that each serve a unique purpose to the rehabilitation process—vehicle maintenance, body paint, automated photo booth and administrative office space.

Jokake and its employees also champion charitable giving and volunteerism and are involved in such groups as Beyond Autism, Feed My Starving Children, Maggie’s Place, St. Mary’s Food Bank, Phoenix Children’s Hospital and others.
