
But the U.S. now may be headed for an economic apocalypse if our infrastructure’s critically needed upgrade continues to lack dedicated vision, iconic projects and, most importantly, public leadership.



Not all may agree, but that doubled investment to provide our children and grandchildren an extraordinary foundation to seize world-class opportunities is a great vision. It unleashes incredible levels of imagination and energy to build what would be an operating system for our country.

接下来是需要关注战略项目,基本的构建基础,这些基本构建基础将使我们进入未来,18luck官网并提供扩展行业能力的方法 - 如果我们选择良好并成功执行。

How better to highlight construction’s vitality and ingenuity than by creating ways to showcase new materials like low-carbon cement and cross-laminated timber and technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing and data analytics.


A project like the New York City region’s critical Gateway transportation upgrade fits this template—the innovation and inputs required will light up the cranial circuit boards of a generation of engineers and create jobs in nearly 100 congressional districts, not to mention long-term career paths since O&M spend is seven times the project’s capital cost.

Leadership is Lacking

But it’s government leadership that is most desperately lacking—what absolutely determines how we prioritize, legitimize and optimize our investments.

基础设施是一种公共利益,但是每年1万亿美元的预算赤字 - 当看起来需要的投资水平必须来自养老基金和私募股权经理时,我们仍然需要公共部门的倡导者来支持项目,请确保他们的快速完成18luck官网and monitor whether we’re getting what we pay for.

Make no mistake. We will not double our investment without great leadership at all levels, most particularly on Capitol Hill and in the White House.

Pension funds alone have more than $17 trillion in assets, 10% of which could easily be invested in infrastructure. We will lose any hope of gaining the discipline and imagination of private-sector investors if there is no sustained partnership with dynamic public leaders.

Once we have the operating system for an infrastructure plan in place, there remains one more task: inserting the genius of democracy into the equation.


前自上而下的系统 -我们纳税和theydecide what we get, with periodic voting in between—will be replaced by something much more complicated but insightful. It is a system where user preferences are actively sought and continuously drive everything from project selection and design to how we improve, pay for and value what we build.


“Where there is no vision the people perish,” the Bible says. Let’s use all tools at our disposal to mobilize our best ideas and generate the kind of robust investment in infrastructure that will transform our country.

Norman F. Anderson is CEO of consulting firm CG/LA Infrastructure, which is launching, with industry partners, theInfrastructure Challenge 2050to seek needed solutions to the U.S. infrastructure crisis. Winners will be recognized at CG/LA’s Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum in Dallas on Oct. 25. He can be reached atnorman@cg-la.com.