上个月末在纽约市的美国建筑师学院年度会议上,反滥用和反骚扰决议的代表通过了《 AIA道德和专业行为守则》。该决议是对“职业最高水平”的最新道德不当行为的回应,需要公平地对待设计专业人员和各种背景和身份的员工,并禁止专业社区内的虐待和骚扰。

“The urgency that is expressed in the resolution is most important,” said Frances Halsband, a partner of Kliment Halsband Architects. Halsband introduced Resolution 18-16 at the June 20 meeting, held before the June 21-23 AIA Conference on Architecture 2018 in Manhattan, which drew a record 26,000 registrants.


By June 19, 520 of some 3,400 members of the AIA College of Fellows had endorsed the resolution. The number has since grown to nearly 600, says Halsband, herself a fellow.

Halsband说:“ AIA学院应该是制定标准的强大力量,因为我们已经在公众和专业面前提升了为建筑和社会做出重大贡献。”

The vote on the resolution was 4,272 for, 13 against and 136 abstentions. Halsband said the campaign was easier than expected because so much work had already been done “to raise awareness that AIA needs to take action.”


Resolution 18-16 will not become effective unless ratified by the AIA board of directors later this year. “The resolutions are expressions by the members of their concerns,” said Carl Elefante, a principal of Quinn Evans Architects and the 2018 AIA president. “The board is required to respond but does not have to act or agree.”

Halsband说,从3月13日开始,许多纽约时报,关于1997年AIA金牌得主Richard Meier的性骚扰,“将#MeToo运动带入了建筑社区”。但是,在春季讲授建筑学校之后,她才开始采取行动。




当前的道德规范not explicitly refer to sexual harassment, but it provides that members “shall not discriminate in their professional activities on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation.” Elefante said that in September, the AIA board will consider “clearer” anti-harassment language recommended by its National Council of Ethics, which handles code violation complaints.

