
The compression-arch, suspended-deck bridge caught fire Jan. 18. As firefighters battled the blaze, Mark Smith, vice president for Surespan Construction, North Vancouver, B.C., hustled his family into his truck and drove to the site. After surveying the charred timbers, Smith called Buckland and Taylor Ltd., the local bridge design firm hired to design a replacement for the wooden structure, to devise a solution.

Fire left a 65-ft-gap in Vancouver bridge


“We took a look at it with TransLink and Surespan, and we determined it was a good fit,” concurs Darryl Matson, vice president of Buckland & Taylor.

拆卸的部分位于公司的兰利设备场。梁已经准备好再次螺栓固定在一起,可以将加固的混凝土甲板截面放在顶部。该结构最初被用作临时桥梁,可让工人在温哥华Cambie St的加拿大线路建设期间越过挖掘的空白。它被缩短了10英尺,以适合Pattullo桥的受损区域。

火灾发生后两天关闭了桥,TransLink reached a turnkey contract with Surespan on the supply of all materials, fabrication and construction for the $2-million repair project. Surespan quickly mobilized its crews and equipment to work 20 hours a day until the bridge reopened in time for the Jan. 25 morning commute.

从卑诗省乔治王子市的一个桥梁项目中搬迁了两辆大型起重机。数十名工人从乔治王子,育空地区和萨斯喀彻温省飞来飞去。大火四天后,他们开始驾驶12条钢管,在桥下深处130英尺,填充有混凝土以供桩以支撑新部分。Translink发言人肯·哈迪(Ken Hardie)说:“幸运的是,巴克兰和泰勒已经提前做了很多工作,我们了解了该网站的土壤状况以及其他要求和限制,因此我们可以很快评估这种新的皱纹。”“我们能够迅速获得必要的材料和船员,并在天气晴朗的情况下幸运。”为了加快建筑,萨里市免除了该项目的噪音条例。

A key link between Surrey and the rest of the Metro Vancouver area, the Pattullo Bridge serves about 80,000 commuters daily. TransLink intended to replace the wooden trestle this summer while planning a new six-lane toll bridge. Preliminary work to decide the location of the new bridge, determine necessary road network improvements and assess the option of including a new rail crossing on the structure are already under way.