
The short documentary “Unknown New York: The City That Women Built” premiered in June at a party hosted by the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, whose namesake wrote and directed the film— just the latest of her endeavors to showcase female architects.



URBAN-XURBAN-X chose seven start-ups from 400 applications to participate in the fourth cohort of its accelerator program for start-ups reimagining city life, including construction and infrastructure. Backed by carmaker BMW/MINI and venture capital fund Urban.Us Capital, Brooklyn-basedURBAN-Xwill spend five months helping firms develop and bring their solutions to market.

在参与的初创企业中,Avvir提供了一项施工项目监控服务,该服务可以自动化数据获取,可视化和分析,以提供实时见解并检测缺陷,这可以通过避免返工来帮助客户节省金钱。Clearroad的另一个帮助政府机构在没有传统专有硬件基础设施的情况下自动化收费公路定价。5月份宣布的同伙的其他初创公司是:RentLogic,Campsyte,Open Data Data Nation,Park&Park&Diamond和Sapient Industries。



毕业生是Zwade Amsterdam和Keyonn D. Jemmott,他在A&S Electrical Inc.工作,以及由Yonkers Electrical Contracting Corp.雇用的Anthony Buono,以及在Pearl River和Pearl River Plumbing,Heating和The Theing和Pernley Siderias和Ryley Peterson,Peter and Steamfitters Peter siderias和Ryley Peterson。电的。“我们需要熟练的商人,例如电工,水管工和铁工。我祝贺毕业生的辛勤工作。…我知道他们有光明的未来,”纽约州参议员詹姆斯·桑德斯(James Sanders Jr.)说

LifeSci for the Real Estate Guy

At the Life Sciences 2018 Real Estate Development Symposium in June, there was consensus: Scientific laboratories and offices are a big revenue opportunity in the region. After all, NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio’s LifeSci NYC sets aside $300 million to developers for tax abatement when they build life science spaces and another $100 million in capital spending to create an innovation hub.

Life Sciences 2018 Real Estate Development SymposiumIt’s not easy to renovate old buildings for these tenants. Ventilation, climate control, ceiling heights and energy efficiency are among the traditional challenges of both wet labs, where researchers handle chemicals, biological organisms and other “wet” materials, and dry labs, which may use large equipment and are more like traditional office spaces. And for life science firms, “it wouldn’t work to have the C-suite far from the development team,” Blake Adair, chief of staff of biomedical engineering firm Epibone, told the crowd,

Still, science organizations want to evolve their workplaces, like having collaborative spaces where researchers can discuss projects or take breaks from the lab. “Life science spaces are going to be much different from today’s,” said event host Nancy J. Kelley, president and CEO of Nancy J. Kelley + Associates, which builds projects for science and medical clients.

Sustainability Responsibility

Green buildings and infrastructure supporting renewable energy won’t just help whatever metropolis they are in. “It’s not just about what’s good for New York City, it’s if we can do it here, then other cities can do it,” Mark Chambers, director of sustainability for Mayor Bill de Blasio, said during the Future of Sustainable Cities event that HOK hosted to kick off June’s American Institute of Architects national meeting.

Chambers, Bre America’s CEO Barry Giles and C40 Cities’ North American program director Brendan Shane all agreed that localities—and building designers therein—must step up to ensure American cities and states meet the Paris climate standards to which much of the developed world remains committed. “Private sectors are delivering the vast majority of this,” said Shane, whose organization helps megacities worldwide network and share information on fighting climate change.

建筑师、结构工程师和开发人员基于“增大化现实”技术e in a powerful position to encourage clients and tenants to go greener, they noted. “You are the one in front of the client,” said Giles, whose global charitable trust calls itself the grandfather of green building rating systems. He added that owners “mustn’t focus on new buildings; we’ve got to focus on existing buildings too”—applicable worldwide, but particularly apt for NYC.

Tall Order

对于萨尔瓦多中心(Salvadori Center)于6月举行的高大塔楼挑战赛,22名学生团体与纽约STEM专业人士配对,以制作稻草,胶水和纸板的结构,可以尽可能多地支持使用尽可能少的材料。孩子们来自13所学校,与他们从未见过的同龄人一起工作。挑战在今年的总部位于纽约市的中心的数学和科学研究计划中。新利luck

Salvadori staff declined to proclaim a winning team, saying the challenge was about collaboration and not competition. The kids seemed to enjoy it anyway. As one volunteer said: “The students were really excited about the task and eager to do a good job with it.”