Technology guru Elon Musk beat three other construction proposals on June 14 to win the exclusive right to negotiate a design-build-operate-maintain contract with the City of Chicago to provide a high-speed underground passenger transport system between the downtown Loop area and O’Hare Airport. He proposes a one-way trip of about 12 minutes at 150 mph compared with the current 40-minute average by rail or car.

马斯克承诺,他的公司The Boring Co.将支付100%的运输系统构建,该公司将以修改后的Tesla Model X底盘建造的八轮“滑板”汽车。每辆汽车都有水平和垂直轮毂,将在16英里的轨道上携带16个乘客和行李,至少必须在芝加哥河下越过一次。

Musk says he would deliver the link in about three years, citing proprietary technology, smaller-diameter tunnels and better tunnel-boring machines.


马斯克(Musk)旨在支付用户费用和广告中估计的10亿美元成本,他还计划在“三到四个月”开始,具体取决于谈判。18luck官网他将在大约三年内提供链接,理由是专有技术,较小的直径隧道和更好的隧道钻孔机。Musk even promised fares for the Chicago Express Loop would be less than half the cost of a taxi cab or ride-share ride – about $20 to $25 currently - between O’Hare and Block 37, the city-owned parcel where the Chicago Express Loop is planned to end in what’s currently an unfinished Chicago Transit Authority station.

The Boring Co. is already building a test tunnel near sister company Space X’s headquarters in California that could be used as a model for its two Chicago tunnels, but that prototype did not have to pass any of the legal hurdles that a public project would during construction. Even with a DBO-M agreement, Musk will likely have to bring in a contractor with Chicago expertise.

“I suspect a major contractor/construction project management firm will be involved,” said Hani Mahmassani, a Northwestern University engineering expert. “Given the novel technological aspects of the work, Boring Co. couldn't just hand it off to a contractor without integral involvement in the construction details and execution, but it also certainly would not be expected to go it alone.”

A spokesman for Los Angeles indicated that Musk is not working with outside consultants on the project in that city.

其他投标人是Oaktree Capital Management,这是一家私募股权公司,没有公开的合作伙伴;OHL基础设施,Kiewit和Amtrak团队;还有一个Meridiam,南极首都,JLC基础设施,Mott MacDonald和First Transit的团队。他们的拟议费用没有披露。18luck.cub

一年前,《密尔沃基日报》哨兵报告说Musk had "struck a deal to acquire" a tunnel boring machine来自超级挖掘机,这是一个位于Menomonee Falls的隧道承包商。该报当时报道说:“他还借鉴了这家67岁的承包公司的专业知识。”

超级挖掘机总裁Peter Schraufnagel在回应上周的ENR调查时说,他无法发表评论。新利luck

Expedited Permits Foreseen

Musk cited the ability to negotiate directly with city hall as a reason that the project was so attractive to The Boring Co. and why he believes permitting and construction can be expedited so quickly.

Mahmassanni found Musk's estimate to be low, even with proprietary technology from The Boring Co.

