Creating more walkable and bike-friendly streets, expanding electric vehicle fleets and reducing congestion and increasing access to public transportation in cities, suburbs and rural and low-income communities across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions are among the strategies outlined in a new report calling for a regional clean transportation plan.

自然资源国防委员会于7月19日揭幕报告该国当前的运输系统仅在2015年就耗资1470亿美元,题为“重新构想的交通”。A nonprofit environmental organization, NRDC also says transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the nation and that improvements to the nation’s transportation sector could provide nearly a third of the emissions reductions needed to cut U.S. greenhouse gas by 80% by mid-century. “We cannot solve climate change unless we address this sector,” says Bruce Ho, the report's principal author and a senior advocate at NRDC.

该报告重点是在11个州(康涅狄格州,特拉华州,缅因州,马里兰州,马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州,新泽西州,新泽西州,纽约,宾夕法尼亚州,罗德岛州,佛蒙特州,佛蒙特州)和华盛顿特区的现代化运输,去年秋天,其中7个州,其中7个州,这些州和华盛顿特区。agreed to develop a roadmap for making the East Coast’s transportation systems more interconnected and environmentally friendly. The states have held several listening sessions across the region, with the next one scheduled for July 24 in New York City.

A broader coalition forged by all 11 of these states is called the Transportation and Climate Initiative. These states also collaborated about a decade ago to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the region’s power plants by half. “NRDC’s report offers solutions that could guide the regional collaboration,” NRDC noted in a press release announcing the report.

The report doesn’t just suggest improving links between pedestrian and bike paths to transit corridors in the region’s urban cores, it also suggests better linking those urban areas with suburban and rural areas. This could be done by improving rapid transit connections between rural areas and cities. “This report envisions a cleaner, more equitable, and more accessible transportation system for the region,” the report says.

NRDCsays the suggested strategies in the report are based on tactics that have already been successfully piloted around the country. For example, the report lauds efforts in Washington D.C. and Cambridge, Mass. to implement better bicycle infrastructure such as protected bike lanes, bike parking and bike-sharing programs.


One suggestion for the Boston area that is highlighted in the report is to reduce dwell times at train stations by raising platforms. Boston-based nonprofit TransitMatters says "step-free, level boarding of commuter trains" could cut travel times by 40%. TransitMatters also recommends switching to all-electric trains to reduce emissions.

