House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster has unveiled a sweeping infrastructure funding proposal covering a variety of transportation and non-transportation categories and including a sizable boost in federal motor-fuels taxes to shore up the long-struggling Highway Trust Fund.




美国工程公司委员会主席兼首席执行官戴维·A·雷蒙德(David A.

He added, "But with elections around the corner and Shuster himself retiring, this plan is likely dead before arrival. It should have been offered 18 months ago.”

Brian Turmail, spokesman for the Associated General Contractors of America, said via email, “We welcome the new measure because it will stimulate a needed debate about the best way to make long-term dedicated funding for needed improvements to infrastructure.“

设备制造商协会主席丹尼斯·斯莱特(Dennis Slater)称,舒斯特(Shuster)的计划“朝着恢复美国基础设施优势的正确方向迈出了一步,这将有助于创造就业机会并继续发展我们的经济。”

美国州公路和运输官员协会发言人劳埃德·布朗(Lloyd Brown)说:“我们在提案中有很多喜欢的事情,我们认为这是开始对话的好地方。”在Aashto欢迎的规定中,有旨在超速进行项目审查的人,并取消了现在定于2020年7月1日的76亿美元的高速公路援助裁决.

A central part of the plan is a proposed fuels-tax boost, of 15¢ per gallon for gasoline and 20¢ per gal. for diesel, phased in over three years. After that, the fuel taxes would rise annually to account for inflation. The current gas and diesel tax is 18.4¢ per gal. In addition, a new 10% levy would be imposed on batteries that power motor vehicles.


But in another dramatic move, Shuster would end the fuel taxes on Sept. 30, 2028. That provision is coupled with another to set up a commission that by Jan. 15, 2021, would recommend a trust-fund remedy that doesn’t include enacting a federal tax on gas or diesel. Congress then would vote on the panel’s recommendation.



There is wide agreement that the trust fund needs a rescue plan. The transportation committee notes that the Congressional Budget Office projects that, without additional revenue, the trust fund will drop into a deficit as soon as fall 2020 and faces a total shortfall exceeding $160 billion by autumn 2028.

此外,该提案将在五年内授权30亿美元用于“国家基础设施投资计划”,该计划似乎类似于运输部的建筑部(形成性的老虎 - 助学士计划)。


For water programs, Shuster's blueprint would authorize $3 billion annually for five years for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds, which help finance wastewater-treatment projects.

For the Army Corps of Engineers civil-works program, the framework includes a new “budgetary mechanism” to allow all revenue flowing into the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to go to port dredging projects.

