
The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on March 5 approved a bill that would authorize $70 billion for FAA over the 2009-2012 period. It includes $16.2 billion for FAA's Airport Improvement Program, which provides grants to fund runways, taxiways and other infrastructure. Under the bill, AIP would receive $3.9 billion in 2009, with $100-million annual increases after that, topping out at $4.2 billion in 2012. AIP's 2008 appropriation was $3.5 billion.

The measure also would increase the maximum passenger facility charge that airports could levy, to $7 per flight segment, from $4.50 now.

As Congress debates the FAA legislation, the Airports Council International-North America on March 6 released a survey that pegs airports' capital needs at $94.3 billion over the next five years, up 8% from the level in the group's 2007 survey.

ACI-NA调查显示,终端项目占总美元中最大的份额,为46.6%,其次是“ 18luck官网Airside”工作,例如跑道,占总数的32%。地边项目,例如通行18luck官网道路或停车设施,占估计总需求总数的21.3%。