A New England environmental nonprofit and a dozen condominium complex residents have filed separate lawsuits alleging the Commonwealth of Massachusetts illegally approved a city zoning plan allowing for construction of a 600-ft tower and other structures on the Boston Harbor.

保护法基金会提起诉讼,马萨诸塞州能源与环境事务部长马修·比顿(Matthew Beaton)对该市的市区海滨市政港计划的认可,该计划覆盖了波士顿市中心的海滨和市政港口规划过程。它声称该州无视制定的法律和程序,以确保滨水区的公共权利。

基金会主席布拉德利·坎贝尔(Bradley Campbell)在新闻稿中说:“该计划非法使开发商的利益在滨水区公众的权利之前。”“在滨水开发方面,国家必须停止无视公众的权利。”

On April 30, 2018, Secretary Beaton approved Boston's municipal harbor plan, which reflects Massachusetts' commitment to balancing economic development and ensuring public access to open space, multimodal transportation and climate resilience. The plan includes $14.5 million in mitigation for significant enhancements of the area and its shoreline for water-dependent uses, public access and other public benefits. Both suits filed on July 11 request that Beaton's decision be overturned.

港塔公寓复杂的诉讼寻求declaratory judgment barring construction on the former tidelands at the Harbor Garage site "absent a supplemental act of the Legislature, which in 1964 authorized conveyance of the property for the purposes of a much less intensive development."

It also requests a right to permanent parking at the Harbor Garage site where developer Don Chiofaro's long-planned 600-ft-tall tower is planned for construction. The tower is supported by both Boston Mayor Marty Walsh (D) and Gov. Charlie Baker (R).

保护法律基金会(Conservation Law Foundation)在其诉讼中的被告中命名为州环境保护部的局长马丁·苏瓦格(Martin Suuberg在市区海滨市政港规划过程中,利益相关者和公众应考虑,这应该引发该计划的否认。”

"The plan also arbitrarily abandons principles … in place since 1990, particularly standards that ensure waterfront buildings step down in height as they approach the water's edge, and that developers provide ample waterfront space and facilities for public use and enjoyment adjacent to new developments," it adds.

Under the municipal harbor plan, the secretary's "substitute regulatory development provisions" allow developer Don Chiofaro's tower to be built on the Harbor Garage site and a 305-ft tower to be built nearby on the Hook Wharf site, the suit states. The plan ignores the maximum allowable height of 55 ft to 155 ft on the Harbor Garage site and 55 feet on the Hook Wharf site, the suit notes.

The foundation's suit states that the secretary acknowledged the existence of these height guidelines in his decision but failed to provide any discussion in his approval of why he ignored them.


A spokesman for the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs said the office does not comment on ongoing litigation.