2014年,GH Phipps Construction Cos。在丹佛植物园(DBG)完成了独特的科学金字塔。该行业的许多专家表示,该综合大楼的严格设计将太难建造。但是菲普斯(Phipps)完成了这项工作,并且由六角形小组涵盖的多面,多感官结构赢得了2015年Enr Mountain States的科罗拉多州项目。新利luck

This year, the contractor has earned a new honor—Contractor of the Year for the Colorado, Wyoming and Dakotas segment of the ENR Mountain States region—and is back at work on DBG’s 24-acre campus. The 100,000-sq-ft Freyer-Newman Center for Science, Art and Education is the final piece of DBG’s 11-year-old master development plan. It caps a relationship between DBG and Phipps that dates back to the 1960s, when the company constructed the Boettcher Memorial Tropical Conservatory, one of Denver’s most iconic buildings.

在总体规划的生活,布莱恩·沃格特说CEO at the gardens, “the Phipps team has just been outstanding … they care deeply about the mission of the gardens, and they understand our institution.”

Even so, Kurt Klanderud, GH Phipps president, says the bid process was highly competitive for the current $39-million project, which broke ground May 15.

“当我们去面试时,每个人都会感到‘我们必须得到这个的压力,因为我们必须完成我们开始的工作,” Klanderud说。“最终,当他们选择我们时,很少有项目在您获得他们时使您激动。18luck官网但是,当我们接到我们被授予这最后一份工作的电话时,这只是一个很大的松了一口气。”

Multiple Markets

对于位于科罗拉多州的格林伍德村(Greenwood Village)来说,这是一个忙碌的时刻,该公司由杰拉尔德·H·菲普斯(Gerald H. Phipps)于1952年创立,并在Enr Mountain州的前十名总承包商中排名2.96亿美元的区域收入。新利luck

除了在DBG的新建筑上工作外,Phipps还在科罗拉多州和怀俄明州建造小学和高中。科罗拉多州布鲁姆菲尔德的科罗拉多州儿童医院北校区的7000万美元扩张;和莱克豪斯(Lakehouse)于17日,这是丹佛(Denver)的12层,1.7亿美元的公寓和镇房发展。后一个项目将菲普斯(Phipps)带入了一些新的方向。莱克豪斯(Lakehouse)的所有者纳瓦(Nava)房地产开发公司(Nava Real Estate Development)旨在该项目获得科罗拉多州的第一个井建立标准认证。

The Lakehouse job also is Phipps’ first for NAVA, and the developer’s president, Brian Levitt, says his firm “sought to find the best construction team in the state to execute the project.” NAVA’s goal is for Lakehouse to be an exceptionally healthy place to live, and the company was particularly impressed with Phipps’ long legacy of health care work.


- NAVA房地产开发总裁Brian Levitt


丹佛MOA建筑的合伙人杰克·穆索(Jack Mousseau)与菲普斯(Phipps)合作了20多年,尤其是在K-12和高等教育中。他说,Phipps以其一致性和可靠性而闻名,从前结构到最终砖的放置。


Mousseau’s comments are echoed by architect David Pfeifer, a partner at Denver-based AndersonMasonDale.

“They are really noted for having a core group of extremely experienced superintendents—people that really know how to build buildings,” says Pfeifer, who has worked with Phipps’ crews for 25 years. “I experience that every time our firm works with Phipps. They’re focused on building buildings well.”

That’s welcome feedback for Phipps’ CFO Rhonda Kay, who also manages the firm’s IT and human resources. She says the company strives to hire people who are technically adept and also strong leaders. She says they excel at projects that are “complicated and sometimes messy.” She says the DBG Science Pyramid fits that description, and it applies to nearly any school or hospital project.



长期以来,医疗保健一直是Phipps的专业。该公司已经与Colorado Colorado合作了55年,根据Phipps的网站,该公司在其历史上已经建立了1500万平方英尺的医疗机构,价值近30亿美元。

The relationships with Children’s Hospital Colorado, Denver Botanic Gardens and telecommunications provider CenturyLink and its Colorado predecessors—a 65-year client—are emblematic of Phipps’ approach to working with customers, says Klanderud.

“I’m getting ready to go into my 29th year (with the company), and Mr. Phipps was alive when I started,” Klanderud says. (Gerald Phipps died in 1993 at age 78.)


Relationships with staff and the community also are important to Phipps’ leaders. Upon his death, Gerald Phipps, the son of U.S. Sen. Lawrence C. Phipps and a majority owner of the Denver Broncos between 1961 and 1981, bequeathed the company to its employees.




With three offices in Colorado and a subsidiary in Laramie, Wyo., the company continues to grow. Klanderud expects 2018 revenue to top $360 million. Even so, he says, there are no definite plans at the moment to expand into new locations, and he cautions that the current building boom in Colorado won’t last forever.

