在三个州担任建筑项目经理的30多年中,我在1965年和1966年在越南的两次职责巡回赛中看到了很多东西,在美国海军移动建筑营10中看到了我所见过的。但是,当我去芝加哥的Corus Bank工作时,最有趣的挑战是,负责进度检查和支付建筑贷款资金的60亿美元贷款组合。


Few people appreciate what a bank's construction inspector actually does.

Few people appreciate what a bank's construction inspector actually does or how the inspector qualifies for the job. Most progress inspectors are employees of the lead architectural firm and are well qualified to verify the accuracy of each line item in a pay request. But a bank inspector who has a background as a construction project manager can perform the monthly progress inspections with more insight than someone who is just verifying numbers. That insight can lead to cost-effective problem solving.

My own transition from construction management to staff work for construction lenders had an easy start. I learned that a monthly progress pay request is a snapshot in time of a typical construction budget. My second big step in gaining understanding of the lending game was to master the typical loan agreement, which defines and controls the loan. Knowledge of the loan agreement and a full understanding of construction site operations helped me protect the banks' risk exposure and loan servicing needs.


The construction lender’s biggest fear is a project failure that requires the lender to declare the borrower in default. That can require the lender to take ownership of the real estate. And it means that the payback of loan funds will be delayed and unbudgeted costs will be incurred by the bank.


It is possible that the owner's goals of cost savings can conflict with the lender's goal of a timely project completion. Timely completion of the project triggers the beginning of the scheduled repayment to the lender of construction loan funds. These conflicting goals don’t necessarily cause a problem. If the interest reserve and the contingency, which are budgeted into the loan agreement, are in proper order, the loan remains in balance. (The interest reserve is a fixed amount of the loan funds that is drawn by the borrower to pay the current interest charge.) If these two budgeted amounts are drawn down by the borrower in proportion to the project progress, they are considered to be in order. If they are seriously depleted, well above the rate of project progress, the bank may require the owner/ borrower to put new, additional funds back into the loan account.

When the problems involve a $100-million condominium project (part of Corus Bank’s portfolio of 120 project loans in 17 states), which happened at the time I worked there, the bank sees the issues with more urgency. The problem cropped up just before condominium closings were about to begin. My boss, the head of commercial lending, asked me to fly to Miami to check on a serious problem that would delay the start of loan repayment.





我访问网站后,新的PVC样本the immediate leak locations were taken to the lab and found to be free of defects. Four dozen leaks and the associated finishes were repaired in short order and the unit closings and loan payback remained on schedule.

There were other examples of where my construction experience helps such as loan disbursements for materials in storage. The usual procedure is for the bank to provide funds for those materials after documents are provided with an inventory of material and a bill of sale and verification from a bonded warehouse.


As sharp as our senior loan officers were they often did not know the basic vocabulary and procedures that construction managers deal with daily. Yet they had the power to stop or continue the flow of project funds – and shape the outcome of the project for better or worse.

总部位于芝加哥的约翰·赞德(John Zander)是银行建设项目的顾问。18luck官网他可以接触到marshfield40@gmail.com