杰里·布斯辛(Jerry Buesing)从一辆卡车开始,是他在1960年代初在明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)成立的公司的唯一员工。但是Buesing Corp.已成长为凤凰城大都会地区和亚利桑那州的需求专业承包商。该公司的营销和业务发展副总裁凯文·萨默维尔(Kevin Somerville)表示,1986年开始在凤凰城的运营,在过去两年中,该公司在过去两年中都有20%的增长。Buesing为许多备受瞩目的项目提供了服务,包括I.D.E.A. ASU Tech Center的Sou18luck官网th Mountain Loop 202高速公路。在坦佩(Tempe),也在坦佩(Tempe)的米拉贝拉(Mirabella)高级生活塔项目和亚利桑那州温克尔曼(Winkleman)的阿帕奇·天空赌场(Apache Sky Casino)。



“Just about everything we do is from that base core of dirt, excavation and grading,” Buesing says.

魏茨(Weitz)的前董事克里斯·哈珀(Chris Harper)表示,他的公司希望Buesing Corp.为其出色而广泛的服务提供了呼应,以呼应其他行业内部人士的观点。

“多年来,我们建立了良好的工作关系,”哈珀说。“ Buesing始终是我们对复杂发掘项目的第一个电话,而且是与他们提供的一长串服务有关的任何工作。”18luck官网

People and Equipment

创始人兼所有者Jerry Buesing表示,该公司的成功与任何其他成功的公司都没有太大不同。

“A company is built of things. In construction that is people and equipment,” Buesing says. “Accumulating the right people: It works.”

Chuck Carefoot, senior vice president for the Southwest at Ryan Cos., says even though workers such as truckers are at a premium, Buesing always seems to have the best people behind the controls.

“他们将其作为优先事项。那没有发生。之所以发生,是因为它背后有意图。” Carefoot说。

Buesing says the employee power of the firm extends to the management team, which includes CFO Ken Zinser and vice presidents Somerville, Bill Kelton, Bryon Matesi, Jim Knapp, construction manager Bob Pettit and safety manager Jesse Niccum.



Additionally, equipment is the public face to most people viewing the firm’s workforce, Buesing says, adding that coloring, logos and regular washing helps the company maintain a positive image.

“I’ll have competitors or people we work for recognize our trucks. What does that tell me? That we are out in front of everyone all of the time,” he says.

Shotcrete and Demolition

An expanding part of the firm’s services is shotcrete and shoring, which the firm identified as a growing need and then hired the right person to manage the new services. Since adding Steve Hixon in 2003, Buesing Corp. has performed more than 1.2 million sq ft of shoring, Somerville says.



1998年,Buesing Corp.也开始回收混凝土和沥青,最终扩展到为其他承包商服务。该公司的回收场位于亚利桑那州的钱德勒,在另一家公司无法履行其承诺之后成立。


Carefoot says Buesing’s ability to handle unneeded earth, concrete and asphalt makes a huge difference on big projects, specifically citing work done on Marina Heights in Tempe.

“They help us get a lower unit cost for import and export sites,” Carefoot says.


“Customer advocacy keeps us coming back project after project,” Harper says.