
立法, which gained final congressional approval with the House's 377-20 vote on Sept. 13, has exceptionally strong results for VA construction and modest year-over-year increases for Corps civil-works and Dept. of Defense construction.


美国联邦和重型建筑部相关总承包商总监约旦·霍华德(Jordan Howard)说:“ AGC坚信,通过有序的方式,通过“宣布宣布”账单,帮助联邦机构和联邦建筑承包商与……金融业务运营相关联。计划执行我们国家的基础设施项目所必需的。”18luck官网

For VA, the measure more than doubles funding for major facilities projects—those valued at $10 million or more—to $1.1 billion. The legislation also boosts the minor projects account by 87%, to $303 million.

此外,国会拨款包括另外20亿美元的特殊基础设施输液,其中8亿美元将用于VA Health-Care Buildings的“非经常性维护”工作,以及7.5亿美元用于对VA设施的地震改善。




John Doyle, special counsel with law and lobbying firm Jones Walker LLP, says, "On a scale of 10, it was an 11." He adds, "It's just a very, very strong bill."

Of the $7-billion total, the Corps civil-works construction account would rise 5%, to $2.2 billion, and the operations and maintenance account would climb 3%, to $3.7 billion.

Industry officials also point to language in the bill preventing the Trump administration from pursuing its proposal to shift the Corps' civil works activities out of DOD and over to the Interior Dept. and Environmental Protection Agency.

这measure bars any fiscal 2019 funding for such a reorganization, effectively sinking the idea for the year.

Mike Strachn, a senior adviser with water-resources consulting firm Dawson & Associates, says, "It's an absolute prohibition," which blocks the reorganization at least through Sept. 30, 2019.



其他七个人年度拨款easures may have to wait until after the Nov. 6 elections. The DOD-HHS bill includes a stopgap measure to keep other agencies open past the Oct. 1 start of fiscal 2019, until Dec. 7—unless Congress settles on final figures before that.
