Salesforce Tower
Best Project

拥有者Boston Properties Inc. and Hines
Design ArchitectPelli Clarke Pelli Architects
总承包人Clark Construction Group and Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Co. JV
工程师Magnusson Klemencic Associates (structural), BKF Engineers (civil) and WSP Group (MEP)
记录的建筑师肯德尔·希顿(Kendall Heaton Associates)
Consultants莫里森·赫什菲尔德(Morrison Hershfield)

在该项目开始后的10年后,租户开始进入旧金山最高的建筑,也是芝加哥以西最高的办公楼。但是对于建筑师而言,直到八月,它的1,070英尺高的方尖碑被称为Salesforce Tower,当时其公园顶端的同伴(四个街区长的Salesforce Transit Center)开放了。

该塔是一种投机性的开发项目,是通往5.4英亩绿色屋顶的公共门户,该屋顶是通过行人桥,电梯和广场吊船的公共门户。摩天大楼和四层楼高土地施舍的设计建筑师Pelli Clarke Pelli的高级设计负责人Fred Clarke说:“建筑物的设计共同构成了该城市的强大新城市中心。”

But thanks to their proximity, construction had to be coordinated. Access and staging areas were limited. And the buildings even share an excavation shoring wall.

Problems with settlement of a neighboring high-rise had focused attention on foundations in the area, which has poor soil. Salesforce Tower’s 42 load-bearing elements, socketed into rock, were, at lengths up to 310 ft, the city’s deepest.


The high-rise, engineered using performance-based seismic design, passed a rigorous six-month peer review (ENR 9/18/17 p. 24). It is the city’s most ambitious PBSD.


Salesforce Tower是位于Skyline定位过境中心的标志物,这也是大萧条的超级幸存者,这要归功于其开发商的决心。
