

会计软件已从提供历史财务状况到提供从项目进度到现金流的所有内容的几乎实时快照。Intuit最近引入的QuickBooks Assistant使用AI回答问题,提供相关的财务数据,甚至提供反馈。其他应用程序将AI和机器学习用于多个任务,从自动化费用报告到调和银行对帐单。


AI’s rapid advances in automation, data analysis, security and more have the potential to change how construction companies do business, but the real transformations begin not with technology, but with a change in mindset and behavior. Business owners, executives and project managers must integrate these technologies into their everyday workflow. Most of these tools are cloud-based and can be accessed easily on a job site.

支出,预算和成本信息不再埋葬在档案柜中,或者仅用于簿记员和会计师。高级会计软件可以链接和显示信息 - 从即时的劳动需求和成本到收入的材料和财务记录。18luck.cub它以不需要会计或财务学位来理解的方式呈现。这些信息可以并且应该用于实时做出决策。

Of course, any application is only as good as the data it receives. To get an accurate real-time snapshot of a job or a company’s financial picture, the system needs accurate data, properly formatted. Technology can already automate much of this process, integrating bank and credit card accounts with accounting systems so that every transaction shows up in your books within a day.

数据库可以识别手机照片作为再保险staurant receipt and send that information to meals and entertainment expense categories. Using GPS, apps can automatically check workers in and out of a job site, creating instant time cards that feed directly to the accounting system. It’s a big change from the time when a lengthy bank statement arrived at month’s end, and some poor accountant had to code all of those charges.


Construction companies, with their complicated variables and dependent timelines, can really benefit. Think of a job where concrete and drywall workers are followed by cabinetmakers, electricians and plumbers, all paid different rates, with changing material needs. With the right information, delays and cost overruns can be predicted before they happen, and immediate adjustments can be made.



Scott Soucy,CPA,CGMA,是佛罗里达州那不勒斯的外包服务校长,Kaufman Rossin办公室是美国的前100名CPA和咨询公司之一,斯科特领导了该公司的实时会计实践, powered by Kaufman Rossin Connect. You can reach Scott at ssoucy@kaufmanrossin.com.