

这特拉华州Dept. of Administrative Services Facility Management已提议在新城堡的贝勒妇女惩教所医务机构扩张。近1150万美元设计和扩展医务室的合同包括翻新现有的医疗区,扩大和翻新医务室,以适应囚犯人口预计的增长。该项目的进度等待各种待定的批准。特拉华州行政服务设施管理部,540 S. Dupont Highway,Dover,19901-3615。DR#201800805841V1。

District of Columbia

S.C. Herman&Associates Inc.正在计划600 E St. NW翻新项目,该项目位于华盛顿两个Metrorail Stations约两个街区。多达2500万美元的设计竞标项目可能需要重新定位340,000平方英尺的办公楼。所有者正在决定对1970年代砖砌建筑的轻微翻新和其他功能(例如玻璃立面)。规划和分区批准在发稿时正在等待。建筑师是DEP设计。S.C. Herman&Associates Inc.,1120 Vermont Ave. NW,华盛顿特区,20005年。DR#201800822669V1


这马里兰州Aviation Administrationis planning the BWI–Southwest Airlines Maintenance Hangar Infrastructure project at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. The $50-million design-bid-build project includes such infrastructure improvements as utility work and site preparation for a planned 130,000-sq-ft hangar. Planning and zoning approvals were pending at press time.马里兰州航空管理局Box 8766,BWI机场,21240-0766。DR#201800823842V1。

Merritt Properties LLC在巴尔的摩波士顿街3401号提议了一座综合用途办公室和零售大楼。这项耗资7000万美元的项目包括一栋385,000平方英尺的建筑,其成绩高出20层,而两个低于等级的建筑。结构性钢结构包括9,000平方英尺的零售和550个停车位。项目官员正在等待计划和分区批准。Hord Coplan Macht LLC是建筑师。Merritt Properties LLC, 2066 Lord Baltimore Drive, Baltimore, 21244-2501. DR#201800811704v1.


这University of Pittsburgh正计划第二阶段升级到克劳福德音乐厅。这个耗资1980万美元的项目包括翻新87,600平方英尺的建筑物,并增加了3,800平方英尺的基础设施改进,包括新的机械,电气,管道,防火,消防和电梯系统,结构,结构,外部信封和新的信封的改进教室和灵活的实验室,包括小体。现有的顶层公寓和南立面将被拆除。计划正在进行中,但在发稿时尚未确定出价和施工计划。建筑师是文艺复兴时期的3个建筑师。University of Pittsburgh, 3400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, 15213-3214. DR#201700776691v6.


这Georgelas Groupis planning the Spring Hill Station North Mixed-Use project in Tysons. The $100-million design-bid-build project could include 1.3 million sq ft of residential space in as many as three residential buildings that each would hold about 400 units. It could also include a 170,000-sq-ft hotel and up to 75,000 sq ft of retail. The plan would also allow as much as 797,000 sq ft of office space. At press time, funding and zoning approvals were pending and the schedule had not yet been determined.Georgelas Group,8405 Greensboro Dr.,Ste。P130,McLean,22102-5105。DR#201800808915V1。

阿勒格尼县机场管理局正在竞标匹兹堡国际机场的终端现代化计划。这个耗资7.830亿美元的项目包括将陆上航站楼和相关停车场的功能重新定位到与现有Airside码头相邻建造的新码头建筑群。在建造新的码头建筑群并完全运行之后,现有的陆地终端可能会被拆除或改编以重新使用。该项目包括一个三级,632,000平方英尺的主码头,并在现有的Airside航站楼和一个六层楼高的停车场,由两个行人桥连接到主码头。竞标定于10月31日下午4点举行。建筑经理合同将于2月授予。建设将于2019财年开始,并于2023财年完成。Gensler是建筑师,HDR Engineering Inc.是工程师。Allegheny County Airport Authority,1000 Airport Blvd., 4th Floor Mezzanine, Pittsburgh, 15231-1001. DR#201700777651v11.

费城学区is renovating and building an addition to the Ethan Allen Elementary School. The $13.8-million project includes upgrades to building systems and components. The addition will consist of eight classrooms and a gymnasium. At press time, schematic designs were being created by USA Architects, Planners & Interior Designers. The project will be bid in May 2019; cdonstruction is expected to begin in 2019.费城学区,440 n .广泛的圣。Philadelphia, Pa. 19130-4015. DR#201800604979v5.


Capital One Financial Corp.提出了一项9000万美元的办公大楼和保留吗l space in Fairfax. The design-bid-build project would include one building with 26 stories above grade and two below grade. The 613,000-sq-ft structural steel building could include 10,350 sq ft of ground-floor retail. The permit process was underway at press time. The schedule had yet to be published. The design team includes Bonstra |Haresign Architects, Gensler and civil engineering firm William H. Gordon Associates.Capital One Financial Corp.,1680 Capital One Dr.,McLean,Va。,22102-3407。DR#201700533941V8。

这Georgelas Groupis planning the Spring Hill Station North Mixed-Use project in Tysons. The $100-million design-bid-build project could include 1.3 million sq ft of residential space in as many as three residential buildings that each would hold about 400 units. It could also include a 170,000-sq-ft hotel and up to 75,000 sq ft of retail. The plan would also allow as much as 797,000 sq ft of office space. At press time, funding and zoning approvals were pending and the schedule had not yet been determined.Georgelas Group,8405 Greensboro Dr.,Ste P130,弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩,22102-5105。DR#201800808915V1。

MRP Industrialis building the Container Store Distribution Center at Eastgate 95 Industrial Park in Perryman. The up to $50-million design-bid-build project includes a one-story building totaling 600,000 sq ft. MRP, which is serving as its own architect, will build and lease the facility to The Container Store Inc. Construction is expected to begin in the spring and be completed by the end of 2019.MRP Industrial, 209 Exeter St., Ste. 216, Baltimore, 21202-3101. DR#201800801121v1.


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