Duke Ellington School of the Arts
Washington, D.C.
Best Project, K-12 Education

Key Players
领导设计公司:Cox Graae + Spack Architects
General Contractor:GCS |西加尔
Civil Engineer/Field Surveying:AMT LLC
结构工程师:RESTL Designers
MEP工程师:Global Engineering Solutions
Connection Engineer:Conn Shaffer
景观设计师:Landscape Architecture Bureau
分包商:Radius Track Corp. (Cold-Formed Steel Design & Fabrication); Banker Steel (Steel Fabricator); LR Willson (Steel Erector); McClure Engineering (3D Surveying); Performance Contracting (Framing and Finish)


前门廊结构以前称为西方高中,其历史可追溯到1898年,随后在1900年代初期增加。GCS项目主管Dan Waldo |Sigal(总承包商)是团队将项目分为三个单独的领域。前门廊部分是一种传统的历史翻新,在内部装饰和重塑内部时保留了立面。该项目上一些最直观的工作是在建筑物的中间部分,该区域完全陷入困境,为一个新的四层楼中的中庭铺平了道路,其中有一个800个座位的鸡蛋形剧院悬挂在中心。在背面,安装了新的基础,对两个现有的楼层进行了翻新,并增加了两个新的上层楼层。沃尔多说:“我们像三个单独的项目一样对待它。”18luck官网“每个人都有自己的复杂性,他们都必须彼此联系。”


To work on the middle section, the front and back sections needed to be underpinned so a new foundation and a one-level underground parking structure could be added to the middle. From there, the four-story atrium could take shape and make way for the 580-ton curved theater. Due to the curvature of the structural steel in the theater, extensive 3D modeling was required to ensure accurate fabrication and installation. Shawn Sinnett, WSP’s project manager and structural steel detailer, says intensive coordination helped maintain the envelope for the theater’s shell. “We had to overlay the architectural models with our steel model to make absolutely sure that we didn’t poke through the [theater’s skin],” he says.

The egg theater, which appears to be suspended over the cafeteria, is supported by five tightly spaced columns. “The columns were not spaced far apart enough to provide a lot of stiffness,” says Bill Yun, RESTL Designers’ structural engineer. “We had to figure out the best way to make the support system work and do it very efficiently.”

In one portion of the structure, a single column supports two “scorpion tail” structural steel members that extend out nearly 30 ft from center, then curve up to the theater’s roof. Yun says that a 6-in.-thick plate to accommodate varying geometries “took a full day to figure out what could and could not be done—how to erect it and get it to fit in the field.” Yun says the effort was the most complex project he has ever worked on and couldn’t have been done without 3D modeling and input from the architect, fabricator and detailer.


中心中庭上有天窗屋顶,使空间更具开放感,并将更自然的光线带入建筑物。Cox Graae + Spack Architects的建筑师克里斯·安布里奇(Chris Ambridge)说,原始建筑物的“兔子沃伦”空间很难导航。他说:“就设计而言,中庭创造了一个围绕着中心空间旋转的地方。”“建筑物中几乎所有的空间都直接连接到中庭或关闭。很难迷路。您总是在中庭周围的某个地方。”

提供自己的challe大楼的后面部分nges. Sinnett says the new structure in the center of the building had to tie into the existing structure in the back section. Because of the precise requirements of the new structure, the team did 3D laser-scanning of the existing structure so it could be added to the digital structural model. To allow for maximum adjustability in the field, the team designed connections with long slots with up to ¼-in. tolerances.

The completed building has new studio, performance and rehearsal spaces. Exterior elements include an outdoor plaza placed at the top of the sloping front lawn, a media reading room terrace sheltered under the two-story portico and an education terrace on the theater roof. Ten trade contractors won Washington Building Congress Craftsmanship Awards for work on the project.

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