1900 Reston Metro Plaza
Reston, Va.

所有者:Comstock Partners
Civil Engineer:Urban Ltd.
结构工程师:桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)
MEP工程师:GHT Ltd.

由建筑师Helmut Jahn设计的17层1900 Reston Metro Plaza由倾斜柱的结构混凝土外骨骼支撑,该倾斜柱形成建筑物外部的X。现场柱要求最小的公差,因为结构的其余部分是窗帘壁,并且与设计的任何偏差都可能影响玻璃。饰面还必须在列中精确,这些列是暴露的。

增加与crisscros相关联的复杂性sing exoskeletal diagonal columns, the building is narrowest at its base and gets increasingly wider with each ascending floor. At the sixth floor, the structure’s northern facade cantilevers out with sloping tree structural columns to support the cantilevered slab. Within each column there are large steel members. Close coordination was required among the contractor, the concrete subcontractor and the steel subcontractor because the steel had to be lifted into place and set within the concrete forms of the columns at a steep angle.

At the ground level, the building features a two-story glass facade lobby, storefronts, a sculptural wall, natural stone floors and covered outdoor gardens. “Architecturally, I haven’t seen many buildings like the Reston [project],” one judge said.

The building was constructed atop the garage at the Washington, D.C.-area Metrorail’s Wiehle-Reston East station, and crews had to work around rush-hour commuters and pedestrian traffic. The project is also located adjacent to an occupied apartment building.



Each of the general contractor’s superintendents and project team members was required to complete 30 hours of Occupational Safety and Health Administration certification training to help ensure their ability to recognize potential safety hazards.




Despite the design complexities and challenges associated with building on top of a busy parking garage, the team completed the project on schedule.

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