Hale Centre Theatre

Key Players
桑迪城 /黑尔中心剧院
领导设计公司:Beecher Walker Architects
General Contractor:Layton Construction Co. LLC
结构工程师:Dunn Associates Inc.
Civil Engineer:Ensign Engineering and Land Surveying
MEP工程师:Van Boerum & Frank Associates Inc.
Key Subcontractors:IMS Masonry Inc.; KK Mechanical; Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co.; Sanpete Steel LLC; Wasatch Electric

新的黑尔中心剧院(Hale Center Theatre)建造为该地区的文化灯笼,提供高质量的亲密剧院体验。莱顿建筑承包商说,它是新的“盐湖谷南端市区”的核心。该剧院的巨大尺寸为122,300平方英尺,其使用砖和其他高端材料与大型玻璃并置的其他高端材料使该建筑成为桑迪,犹他州市政区中心的文化珠宝。它还提供了盐湖城市中心北部半小时的唯一主要剧院场地,南部四个小时的车程圣乔治。


“It took a lot of extra work to make it look good,” says Layton senior project manager Jared Adamson. “It looks more like a birthday cake than a big box.”



The concrete slab for the subpit below the theater in the round is located 55 ft below stage level and had to be completely waterproofed. Groundwater was pumped from the lobby and stage levels, but the lower 40 ft of the pit was under water.

“We hit water at 6 feet,” Adamson says. “We had to go 70 feet below native grade and into the water quite a bit.” Crews installed a waterproof membrane and pressure-grout cold joints with epoxy resin. “It required a permanent dewatering system,” Adamson says.

Since that area is always under water, the subsequent pressure tries to push the concrete slab out of the ground, he says. Crews supported the lowest portion of the subpit by steel piles to keep the slab from floating. The 32 steel-driven piles were designed to be placed in tension to hold the slab in place. The remainder of the facility is supported by compression-designed piles, driven 50 ft to 100 ft below ground, bringing the total number of piles on the project to 225.






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