
In the Senate, Democrats need a net gain of two seats to wrest control from the GOP. But analysts predict Democrats will at best pick up one seat and Republicans may gain up to three. In the House, with seven current vacancies, Democrats need a 23-seat gain for the majority. They’re projected to add 20 to 40.



行业消息来源指出,通过基础设施法案的关键将是找到为此付费的方法,并补充说:“我真的没有看到2019年的收入来源。”国家电气承包商协会政府事务执行董事Marco Giamberardino表示,如果民主党人赢得了众议院并采取“衡量”立场,“基础设施方面可能会有重要的事情发生。”他补充说:“如果是这样,那可能是真正完成的唯一大事。”

Construction also will watch how infrastructure fares in fiscal 2020 appropriations. A February budget pact had a $20-billion infrastructure boost in 2018-19. But the Congressional Budget Office said Oct. 5 the 2018 deficit rose $116 billion, sparking worries about the impact on future construction spending. “Clearly we’ve already heard the rumblings that it’s going to be more difficult for the appropriations process,” says Brian Pallasch, an American Society of Civil Engineers managing director. “Deficits are now going to matter. … If we’re going to shrink the appropriations pie, that’s of concern.”

Sean O’Neill, an Associated General Contractors of America vice president, says, “We would hope that the additional money we got in ’18 and ’19 would be the baseline going forward and we’ll advocate for that.” But he says deficit projections make reaching that goal a challenge.