Despite uncertainty about the next governor’s support and the passion of critics who want it canceled, the California High-Speed Rail Authority is carrying on for now with $3 billion worth of work on three sections. Viaducts are rising, trenches are being built, salamanders relocated.


首席运营官乔·海奇斯(Joe Hedges)和首席副主任帕姆·米苏卡米(Pam Mizukami)正在为首席执行官布莱恩·凯利(Brian Kelly)填补,后者在一月份被聘用,但在9月休了病假。凯利一直专注于改善项目交付。他在5月告诉广播电台KPCC,在2017年9月之前支付资金的联邦截止日期意味着“ [管理局]提早签订了建筑合同。我们没有所有的通行权(行)……我认为我们最大的教训是我们不会重复这一点。”

这是第一段,CP1湾ring 32 miles from Madera to Fresno. The section, which has passed the 50% mark, includes 33 major structures, including two trenches and three viaducts, says Steven Milton, the authority’s design and construction manager for CP1. “Crossing Road 27, we have precast prestressed concrete girders up to 198 feet long.” Crews must contend with adjacent freight railroads and often have only four-hour windows in which to place beams.

The initial ROW acquisition created “challenges on where to start work and where to get to work,” says Milton. David Vallejos, construction engineer with the joint venture of Wong and Harris, adds that the trenches in particular require utility relocations and interaction with existing irrigation canals.


“The most exciting thing in the design would be our concrete staggered-arch structures over the San Joaquin River and State Highway 99,” says Milton. “These are cast-in-place structures not seen before except in coastal cities,” he says. The section is slated for a 2019 completion.

On the 65-mile CP2-3 segment, authority Project Manager Alberto Lopez says the original May 2020 completion will be pushed back, also due to challenges with ROW and the freight railroads. About 60% of 850 parcels have been acquired. Design is almost complete and “next spring we will be full bore,” he says.


21英里CP4的权威项目经理迈克尔·巴伯(Michael Barber)表示,朝北延伸的返工已经开始结束,一些基础工作已经开始。“我们在排80%。我们有足够的工作去上班。”巴伯说,尽管与公用事业,野生动植物和社区打交道仍然具有挑战性,但大部分的一致性都处于成绩,“我们正在为2020年后期完成。”



2016年,大约有十几个工程师和技术专家决定试图应对该项目的关键媒体报道。来自Autodesk,WSP和HNTB的志愿者称自己为“ Project Buccaneer”,共同创造了一种虚拟现实体验,以200英里 /小时的速度模拟火车上的骑行。

HNTB高级副总裁Peter Gertler说:“这只是发生了。”通讯顾问Bart Ney和已故的Autodesk基础设施项目开发总监Doug Eberhard共同提出了这个想法。


“The idea is that for people who will live along the alignment, we can communicate the experience … that it will be quieter than normal trains,” Gertler says.

After Eberhard’s sudden death last year, the group stepped up its effort, forming an alliance with the Association for California High-Speed Trains.

Autodesk的高级行业战略经理Drew Olsen说:“我们与战略客户一起完全脱离了书籍,因为我们都相信该计划。”
