

The Montgomery College Office of Procurement计划在其Germantown Campus的科学和技术建立其粉红色创新综合体。估计在2500万美元至5000万美元之间,约有150,000平方英尺的建筑,包括实验室空间,并容纳生物制造,研究和科技公司。该设施的目标包括为学生创造机会,为企业生产人才管道。业主预计2019年初项目将在该项目上进行一些运动,提出时间表。蒙哥马利学院采购办公室,洪尔弗里德900号隆弗里德,20850-1728。博士#16-00717104。


The United Co.is proposing construction of the Bristol Hotel and Casino, a project estimated at between $150 million and $200 million. The plan, which calls for the redevelopment of the former Bristol Mall, would comprise a 90,000-sq-ft casino, 90,000 sq ft for children’s activities, 25,000 sq ft for sports betting, a 600- to 1,000-room hotel, swimming pools and retail space for 50 stores and restaurants. The project is scheduled to advance in 2019, pending the Virginia General Assembly’s approval of casino gambling. If approved, the owner is planning an opening in late 2020 or 2021.The United Co., 1005 Glenway Ave., Bristol, 24201. DR#18-00864267.




StoneBridGecarras.作为建筑商开发商,估计为6000万美元的弗吉尼亚科技创新校园计划,计划为国家着陆。该项目与亚马逊的HQ2计划有关,设想混合使用的校园,用于启动和公司办公室的250,000平方英尺。项目进步和相关时间表取决于额外的资金和当地批准。StoneBridGecarras,Jeremy Lena,7200威斯康星大道。700,Bethesda,MD。,20814-4811。博士#1800869644。

Washington, D.C.

The DC Water and Sewer Authority提出一个55.6美元的康复Main and O street pumping stations, aiming to provide a 30-year upgrade to both facilities. The Main Street station project will replace the existing sanitary pumps and all six storm pumps, rebuild or replace various large gates in the channels, provide a new roof, improve the existing HVAC system and provide a new and separate pumping station for the low area sewer. The plan calls for the O Street station to receive six storm pumps as well as structural, architectural and electrical upgrades. The project will also include site improvements around both stations. Further advancement action is pending various approvals. A bidding and construction schedule is anticipated in 2021.直流水水和下水道权威,5000俯瞰Ave.S.W.,华盛顿州,D.C.,20032-5212。博士#18-00868038。


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