I always wanted to be an engineer, but as a child of the ’80s, I had limited exposure to engineering in middle or high school—and when I took seventh-grade wood shop, I got my first taste of sexism from male peers—and from the teacher.

In high school, I loved auto shop, but the advanced class time conflicted with calculus (Obviously the school didn’t plan for future engineers who wanted to take both shop and high-level math.



If anything demonstrates the exciting potential for women in STEM, it’s the You Go Girl (YGG) program at Olathe Northwest high school in Olathe, Kan. I wish it had been there when I was a fifth grader deciding what to be when I grew up.

YGG was developed within Olathe Northwest’s FIRST Robotics Team 1710, which is part of the school’s 21st-century Engineering Academy and, in turn, affiliated with the global FIRST program to promote STEM study and careers that has touched 400,000 students in 80 countries.

YGG’s motto is “to further inspire and empower” girls’ confidence in their STEM skills and potential. Its simplicity underscores its elegance—to show that women in STEM arecompletelynormal.


“It’s amazing to see excitement on girls’ faces when they realize what they can do in STEM,” the 2017 Team 1710 CEO Megan Wheeler tells me. Teams are run like companies, with students as CEOs and in business development roles.


Megan now studies industrial engineering at Kansas State University.

YGG focuses on critical mentoring relationships. Mentors stress how each girl can progress in STEM from interested sixth grader to involved high school junior to employed adult.


Stephani Jamar, one of the first girls on the Olathe robotics team, says the experience convinced her to return as a mentor.

She credits an older brother and a male robotics team coach for pushing her to join but says female role models and mentors she encountered, “who had a passion for STEM,” were critical in her career direction.

“当时我没有意识到这一点,但是[他们]……让我将STEM领域视为可能的未来,”现在是Hoefer Wysocki Architecture的室内设计师Stephani说。

“There is nothing strange about a boy picking up a hammer. There shouldn’t be for a girl either,” says Charly Wang. She is current Team 1710 CEO.

That’s the message that's been shared with 11,000 girls YGG has connected with since its start—through workshops, camps, field trips and competitions.


Younger girls see a safe place to focus on and enjoy STEM in a supportive community. By high school, they’re ready to dive right in.

参加五年级学生的机器人比赛激发了杰鲁沙·罗登(Jerusha Rowden)问自己:“我能做到吗?”答案很快就很明确了,她立即在高中加入了机器人团队。


YGG students I’ve met are confident they can be engineers, experienced in engineering problem-solving and enthusiastic about their future success.

我的儿子现在在奥拉斯西北工程学院(Olathe Northwest's Engineering Academy)的大二学生和对钢桥工程感兴趣的大二学生,我通过他和他的同学生活过着替代生活。

What a difference the years make.


I can’t even imagine how different high school would have been with a program like YGG around.

Robynn Andracsek is an associate environmental engineer at Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City, Mo. She can be reached at randracsek@burnsmcd.com