

90天的美国和中国之间的停火开始德c. 1, with the U.S. delaying a planned Jan. 1 tariff hike until March 2 and, according to Reuters, China rolling back its tariff on U.S.-built vehicles to the 15% global rate put in place in May. But there’s still no deal between the world’s two largest trading partners, and existing tariffs remain in place. Also, the Trump Administration named as lead China negotiator U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who is seen by the markets as a trade hardliner. A trade pact is anything but assured, observers say.

“The choice of Robert Lighthizer to be the negotiator is a signal that Trump isn’t going to budge,” says Ken Simonson, chief economist of the Associated General Contractors of America. “It’s normal that the U.S. trade representative would be the person to conduct this negotiation, but I think some people may have assumed that maybe there would be a more moderate or mixed panel to do it.”

所有承包商都为钢铁付出了更多的费用,但是确切地取决于个人买家。The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ producer price index for steel mill products—which covers construction, automotive and other steel-use manufacture—is up 18% from October 2017 to October 2018. With the exemptions expiring for projects that began the procurement process before the original steel tariffs were imposed in March, Simonson says that number is likely to go up in 2019.

Since tariffs are only on milled steel, fabricated steel products are not facing a penalty, and fabricators in other countries are taking advantage. The American Institute of Steel Construction says that fabricated steel imports from Mexico increased by 40% this year, and the imports from Canada are up 20%.

AISC政府关系主管Brian Raff表示,在新的2500亿美元的中国关税中,没有制造的结构性钢铁产品。即便如此,代表美国钢铁制造商的协会预计很快就不会在中国交易中关闭。拉夫说:“政府中没有任何公众迹象表明这些(关税)将要去何时何地。”


“我们的指数,我们内部做成衣的匹配ty closely with what ENR has done,” says Trent Wachsnicht, senior vice president and group estimating manager at JE Dunn Construction. “We’re seeing overall costs that have grown in that 5% range for the year, and we think that’s pretty close to what you’d expect, as hot as the market is.” He adds, “I don’t think it’s been anything out of the unexpected range. We’ll see marginal increases but nothing major. I think people have calmed down and learned how to navigate around this, at least the original steel and aluminum tariffs.” But Wachsnicht cautions that “Chinese tariffs are still something in flux.”

Wachsnicht said that JE Dunn has relied on its multisource procurement and supply-chain management process to mitigate increased costs, and firm managers don’t envision any more tariffs on Chinese products having as big an impact as Section 201 (of the 1974 Trade Act) tariffs on aluminum and steel.

ENR 2018 4Q Cost Report PDF





With switching to concrete not an option for specialty steel contractors, U.S. Metal Partners International, an Aurora, Ill., rebar fabricator and detailer, says it has seen its prices increase by more than $3 million since May. The firm still awaits the outcome of its exclusion request.



关税正在降低进口。Based on the U.S. Commerce Dept.’s most recent steel import monitoring and analysis data from the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), for the first 10 months of 2018, total steel imports fell 10%, to about 32 million net tons, and finished steel fell 13.3%, to 24 million net tons, from their 2017 levels. Shipments from U.S. steel mills through October were 79.64 million net tons, a 4.6% increase compared to 76.13 million net tons through the first 10 months of 2017.

美国钢铁倡导集团AISI赞扬了美国 - 墨西哥贸易协定的政府,尽管这三个国家的立法机构仍必须批准该协议,尽管该协议仍然对两个邻国的进口征收关税。