尽管关税的影响引发了2018年的高昂材料价格,但预计在下一年将有更加适度的升级,部分原因是施工的开始持续下降。IHS Markit的高级经济学家Deni Koenhemsi说18luck.cub:“在2018年,建筑材料成本的上升幅度上升。”她说,材料价格上涨了7.5%,这在很大程度上是由于制造钢增长了10%,精制石油产品的增长30%。2019年,IHS Markit预测,随着钢和燃料的价格下降,IHS Markit将增加3.5%。


油价也开始下跌。在2018年增长30.3%之后,IHS Markit预测来年将下降2.2%。Koenhemsi说:“由于产生了弹性的生产和对伊朗原油出口的制裁,人们对供应环境的紧缩环境的担忧已经缓解。”

Related Link
新利luckENR 2018 4Q成本报告PDF

Alex Carrick, chief economist at ConstructConnect, has a similar outlook. “The preliminary round of U.S. tariffs on softwood lumber, steel and aluminum gave everyone a good scare,” he says. “It seemed construction material costs were rapidly heading skyward. But there have been several crosscurrents that have muted the effect through lowering the demand for inputs.”



In October, the Dodge Construction Outlook was released, predicting a flat escalation rate in construction starts in 2019. In the first 10 months of this year, starts were up 1%; construction spending was up 5% during the same time period, largely drawing on the strength in construction starts from 2016 and 2017, according to Robert A. Murray, chief economist and vice president of Dodge Data and Analytics.

“The strong tailwinds provided by healthy economic growth, as well as greater funding resulting from the March 23 omnibus federal appropriations legislation and recent state and local bond measures, have been able to offset this year’s headwinds,” says Murray. “For 2019, however, that offset may not be present to the same extent, as the benefits of tax reform on overall economic growth will wane.”

