1月31日是最后一天提交建议to present atENR’s annual FutureTech conference在六月。提交期结束后,会议策划团队将分析未来几年来塑造建筑界的新兴趋势的建议。


我的全球新利luck未来的会议s respected because its agenda is based not on what vendors are most eager to sell, but on what construction practitioners most sincerely want, and what they are actively putting their time and energy into nurturing.

The call for submissions stresses the conference mission—to inform and inspire by showcasing the technology-based innovations emerging, or soon to emerge in design and construction. It appeals to industry practitioners, such as architects, engineers, contractors, fabricators, craft workers and owners, to come together to talk about the inventions and innovations they are trialing and testing to improve their work, and that soon will be ready for general use.


Our goal is to give the podium to construction professionals who are beta testers and product trial partners of software developers and inventors, and who are working to ensure those innovations not only are field tested and work, but that they also provide real value to improve creation of the built world.


The process is simple. It asks submitters concisely to say what they are working on, tell us who will come to the podium and explain to 600 of their peers why they think their innovation will improve the industry. We look for data that demonstrates early results.

Next month, the conference planning team will study the proposals to find patterns in the needs, desires and energy of innovation emerging from inside the industry. Once we find patterns, we will work with selected presenters to develop a program that will showcase the future of construction technology.

帮助Enr新利luck FutureTech向同龄人展示您认为建筑的未来的样子通过提交建议在1月31日之前出席。

汤姆·索亚is ENR Deputy Editor and FutureTech Content Director