ENR’s annual photo contest shows readers and online viewers how team effort, like the scene pictured above, gets construction projects done.

但是,在许多情况下,图像本身就是连接个人的产物。That link between the photo artist and his or her jobsite subject, even unplanned and for a brief few seconds, can tell a unique story that benefits both—whether it’s the electrical crew disappearing into tight quarters, the lined face of a veteran superintendent or the energy of an eager craftworker.

A woman ironworker helps a photographer maneuver for better vantage in an off-limits work area, producing a winning image for him and new industry status for her and peers.

重演竞赛冠军玛丽·塔杜纳(Marie Tagudena)恰好正确,并指出她在加利福尼亚的杰拉尔德·戴斯蒙德桥上拍摄的照片将只是“虚假和束缚”,而没有一个工人的时机,他们在完美的时刻进入了镜头,以表现出“这种感觉”运动,完成的工作。”

ENR's "2018 Year in Construction" Slideshow