
Geostabilization International的项目工程师Dylan Jones捕获的坚韧不拔场景中最重要的元素之一是悬挂在空气中的颗粒的背光护罩,直到项目负责人的左侧。但这给看到照片的安全经理带来了一个问题。他问恩,为什么我们新利luck不太关心空气中的颗粒以及对钻探者和其他人的健康影响。


ENR's 2018 Year in Construction

我们想要做的最后一件事在我们的摄影比赛is show unsafe practices without realizing it. That’s why, beginning with the fourth of our 16 photo contests, published in 2005, ENR’s panel of judges has always included a safety professional who can help us pick out hazards or violations that escape our notice.

Before the alert viewer raised questions about that photo, we had been advised that it portrayed no clear violation or hazard that required abatement.

We then spoke to the winning photographer, who said his company often uses water controls on its drilling equipment and equips drillers with respiratory protective equipment on most of its drilling. He wasn’t sure, but he believed the amount of stone or concrete being drilled at the base of the wall—at night, with the project team working long hours to finish the job—was small. Otherwise, he said, it’s likely dust control would have been used.

The issue of photos and safety hazards isn’t new to ENR. Editors regularly deal with this subject, and take it very seriously.
