Arecently unsealed federalindictment费城议员和其他与Ibew当地人有关的人指控从当地人那里偷窃,包括使用工会资金购买从狗零食到婴儿湿巾的所有东西。

The lengthy indictment, which includes 116 counts, charges that Dougherty stole from the union for years.

U. S. prosecutors charged John J. Dougherty, a leader of Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and Philadelphia City Councilman Bobby Henon with theft, bribery and embezzlement. Prosecutors also charged six other people associated with Local 98.

The lengthy indictment, which includes 116 counts and was unsealed Jan. 31, says Dougherty stole from the union for years. He is alleged to have used union funds get employment for himself, his family and his friends. Some of the theft involved construction repairs or upgrades done on his private property and billed to the union as work being done on union property.

起诉是对两年以上的调查的高潮。2016年8月,联邦调查局raided homes and officesin Philadelphia and New Jersey, including properties owned by Dougherty and Henon, who is also a paid union member. Those properties included a bar owned by Dougherty, his home in South Philadelphia, his sister’s home next door, the Local 98 hall and the home of union president Brian Burrows.

Bank records, invoices, credit card records, tax forms, and computer hardware were seized in the searches.

A request to the Local 98 hall for comment from Burrows and Dougherty was declined by the union leaders.

Prosecutors also charged James E. Moylan with stealing from the union’s charitable arm and from a nonprofit he founded. Moylan is Dougherty’s chiropractor and former head of Philadelphia’s Zoning Board of Adjustment.


“Since that time, every action I have taken as City Council member has been with the goal of serving working people...I look forward to clearing my name and I will never waiver in my pursuit to protect and serve the working people who live in and built this city.”