As many of his peers can attest, Jim King, the recipient of ENR Southwest’s Legacy Award, embodies the very definition of the prize. In his stewardship of Bradbury Stamm Construction over more than four decades, King expanded the company, which was founded in 1923, into one of the biggest contractors in the Southwest.

But on another front, one that King considers equally if not more important, he and his wife, Ellen, have become leading benefactors in Albuquerque. They have made hefty endowments to the University of New Mexico School of Engineering as well as philanthropic donations to a host of other organizations, ranging from the UNM Dermatology School, where the couple endowed a chair, to the city’s cancer institute to funding for area music groups and a home for autistic children.

Like King’s tenure at Bradbury Stamm during which he oversaw projects in 11 states, the Kings’ philanthropy is equally wide-ranging.

金说:“我在鲍勃·斯塔姆(Bob Stamm)有一位出色的导师,他基本上是公司的第二代。”“他教了我很多非常好的价值观。”

“We were able to find some very bright women and make them project managers and estimators at a time when no one else was doing it.”

– Jim King, Bradbury Stamm

King joined Bradbury Stamm in 1972 and became an owner in 1979. He ran the firm’s daily operations for more than 30 years. Currently, he serves as chairman in a strategic and advisory role. His daughter, Cynthia Schultz, took over as president in 2011 and is now CEO.

“My business philosophy is, as best you can, to keep it simple,” he says.

遵循金在金的领导下的哲学之后,该公司成长并赢得了代表诚信,质量和诚实的公司的声誉。在国王任职期间,布拉德伯里·斯塔姆(Bradbury Stamm)与市场调整为水/废水和多单元住宅专业,并为公司目前的运营奠定了基础。

Under King’s guidance, Bradbury Stamm did substantive work on projects that have since become touchstones in New Mexico and beyond, including Albuquerque’s El Rey Theater, S&H Green Stamp Store and the Journal office building and printing plant, the New Mexico State Penitentiary Renovation, Purgatory Village in Durango, Colo., as well as 104 buildings at Kirtland Air Force Base.

最近,该公司一直处于8300万美元的Albuquerque Rapid Transit项目的最前沿,这是一个9.6英里的公交系统,沿着阿尔伯克基市中心大街运行。其他主要项目包括阿尔伯克18luck官网基的一所新公立小学;北卡罗来纳州阿特西亚的信仰浸信会的扩展;新泽西州拉斯克鲁塞斯的东梅萨太阳能项目;新墨西哥州中部位于阿尔伯克基的史密斯 - 堡垒设施;阿尔伯克基市中心的斯特灵公寓;新泽西州戴明市的两所学校;以及新墨西哥州Mutual的1800万美元新总部。On the University of New Mexico campus, the firm is renovating the Farris Engineering facility, along with a 137,000-sq-ft home for the physics and astronomy departments that will support the use of some of the Southwest’s most cutting-edge equipment to test out theories in emerging science.

国王也雇佣女性的先锋management roles, a strategy that many of his peers consider to be another of his legacies.

“We were one of the first contractors to hire women,” King says. “Everyone had female secretaries and some accountants and bookkeepers, but we were able to find some very bright women and make them project managers and estimators at a time when no one else was doing it.


吉姆和艾伦(Jim and Ellen)继续对阿尔伯克基社区(Albuquerque Community)进行了长达数十年的承诺,吉姆(Jim)和艾伦(Ellen)向新墨西哥大学工程学院捐款500,000美元,以创建工程与计算机的吉姆(Jim)和艾伦·金·金(Ellen King)院长。国王的礼物,加上来自该州的匹配资金,提供了创建捐赠院长所需的100万美元的资金。

“国王在慈善事业方面处于自己的联盟​​中,”约瑟夫·塞奇(Joseph L.塞奇(Cecchi)是最初向国王提议的人,他们赋予了大学的任务,这是UNM 130年历史上的首位。

塞西说:“我在星期四的午餐时与吉姆和艾伦讨论了这一点,他们在下周一给我打电话,说是的。”“吉姆看到了全局,坦率地说,对领导的连续性比我更了解。我可以在布拉德伯里·斯塔姆(Bradbury Stamm)看到。这是一种谐波融合,我要礼物和国王送给它。他们给出的“是”答案的迅速,永远不会那样发生。”


But according to Dale Dekker, founding principal of Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, who nominated King for the Legacy Award, no one should be deceived by King’s simple and modest leadership style. “Jim leads by example,” Dekker says, “and it shows in his involvement with numerous business organizations and in his advocacy efforts over the years. His skill has led Bradbury Stamm to years of growth and multiple repeat clients who recognize the company as a trusted partner in the construction process.”

When queried about work/life lessons learned from her father, Cynthia Schultz conferred with family members on “nuggets of wisdom” they’ve gleaned over the years. In addition to managing overhead, a devotion to long-term decision-making and favoring profit over volume, Schultz says her father believes in fostering a team spirit and hiring top talent and then empowering them to do their jobs. According to Schultz, her father also stresses flexibility, being humble and working hard at all times as benchmarks that lead to success.

对于金而言,生命中的业务成功恢复了他保持简单的信条。“坚持基础,”他说。“不要让事情变得太复杂。如果事情变得太复杂,那么工作就很难管理。如果您有一些真正观看和尝试管理的关键事情,那么您会做得更好。随着变大,您必须添加东西,但是您仍然应该专注于使公司成功的关键因素。估计必须是绝对正确的。使我们的公司真正出色的一件事是,我们拥有最好的野外人物 - 佩特特人,工头,草稿。”

布拉德伯里·斯塔姆(Bradbury Stamm)现任总裁丹尼斯·汤恩(Dennis Towne)直接从大学来到公司,此后22年,他从未为其他人工作。就像吉姆·金(Jim King)援引鲍勃·斯塔姆(Bob Stamm)作为指导光和作为承包商努力的指导示例一样,汤恩(Towne)遵循这一传统,对金(King)作为他的业务的导师表示赞赏,他说,他说:人的好处。”

“I think sometimes you get people who give but that’s really not who they are,” Towne says. “Jim and Ellen are the real deal.”