“Transformative” seems too mild an adjective for Water Street Tampa, a $3.5-billion revitalization program currently underway along the city’s waterfront. Certainly, the planned 50-acre community of commercial, residential, hospitality, cultural, entertainment, education and retail development totaling more than 9 million sq ft along the Hillsborough River will be a far cry from the ho-hum assortment of empty industrial buildings and parking lots occupying the area before infrastructure construction began in 2017.

水街坦帕is hardly a routine urban makeover. Along with putting Florida’s third-largest city in step with other high-profile live/work/play-oriented redevelopment efforts around the country, the project aspires to set a new standard for sustainability, health and well-being in the built environment that will likely be emulated worldwide.


- 战略房地产合作伙伴首席执行官詹姆斯·诺扎尔(James Nozar)

对于水街坦帕(Water Stark)开发公司,战略房地产合伙人有限责任公司(SPP)的支持者来说,追求这种雄心勃勃的愿景是熟悉的领域。Formed in 2014, the 56-person company is a joint venture between the Bill Gates-owned Cascade Investment LLC private capital fund and Jeffrey Vinik, a former hedge fund manager who now owns the National Hockey League’s Tampa Bay Lightning and holds a minority interest in baseball’s Boston Red Sox.

SPP处于400万平方英尺的第一阶段中,既侵略性又多样。该公司在2018年享有多个里程碑,这使其水上街坦帕项目(Water Starka Project)有望实现Vinik曾经陈述的“半城市”的目标,并获得了ENR东南部年度荣誉的SPP所有者。新利luck

The developments of 2018 include the construction start of the Tampa JW Marriott hotel. Designed by Nichols Brosch Wurst Wolfe & Associates and Champalimaud Design, the 519-room hotel is slated to open in the fall of 2020—in time to serve as the host hotel for Super Bowl LV, which will be played in Tampa the following February.

去年还进行了815 Water Street,这是由Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates和Cecconi Simone设计的26层和21层的双塔楼住宅建筑,它将为其420租赁单元提供独特的锯齿状露台外部。

翻新也是Water Street 2018活动的一部分。18luck官网项目包括727个房间的万豪海滨酒店和码头,以及将前Channelside Bay Plaza零售中心转换为245,000平方英尺的经过翻新的滨水办公室和零售空间的Sparkman码头。一个相邻的公园,带壳和户外用餐区,这是坦帕水街计划的13英亩公园和增强的公共场所的第一个组成部分 - 在今年下半年向公众开放。

Community Partner


坦帕·希尔斯伯勒(Tampa Hillsborough)经济发展公司总裁兼首席执行官克雷格·理查德(Craig Richard)表示,SPP不断与地方官员和邻近地区进行沟通,并且从未有机会在社区会议上进行演讲。

“They are the ideal community partner,” Richard says.

SPP的首席执行官詹姆斯·诺扎尔(James Nozar)回答说,这种外展工作的好处是双向的。

“We’ve encountered day-to-day bumps and issues like any other large-scale development,” says Nozar, who joined SPP in early 2016 after a 10-year stint overseeing multiple Washington, D.C.-area mixed-use developments for JBG Cos. “Thanks to the involvement and creativity of our stakeholders, we’ve been able to get through them.”



“Their experience and connections in this region are important to us as a new development company,” Nozar says. “They’ve been a fantastic partner.”

沿海建筑副董事长丹·惠特曼(Dan Whiteman)指出,第一阶段拥有一个GC,促进了整个水街坦帕(Water Street)坦帕(Tampa)并发项目的更好协调。18luck官网


Nozar expects SPP’s deep capital pockets to sustain construction on Water Street Tampa through its planned 10-year build-out, despite looming uncertainties about the potential for an economic downturn, which in even mild cases can short-circuit urban revitalization efforts.

“Even if there is a dip, we’re looking for long-term value,” he says.

David Bevirt, SPP’s executive vice president of corporate leasing, notes other advantages that reinforce Water Street Tampa’s staying power, from the city’s “unbeatable climate” to a recently enacted 1-cent sales tax increase that will provide $300 million a year for road and traffic improvements.

“It’s an already attractive market that’s doing smart things to addressing the needs of consumers and the business community,” Bevirt says.

Richard believes SPP’s comprehensive, big-picture thinking also sets Water Street Tampa apart from other urban revitalization projects.

他解释说:“通常,从利益相关者的角度来看,市区计划将对他们想看到什么进行,并且很难拥有完成这些事情的资源。”“水街坦帕(Water Street Tampa)得到了强大的金融合作伙伴,一流的城市规划师的支持,这是一个基于市场的发展。所有这些事情都为一流的发展带来了成功。”



今年,坦帕水街(Water Street Tampa)计划同样忙于忙碌,其计划的春季开创性是其第三个主要款待组件,五星级坦帕版酒店和住宅,其中包括173个酒店客房和35个住宅。

Also set to break ground are Tampa’s first major office towers in nearly three decades—1001 Water Street, a 385,000-sq-ft, 20-story residential and retail building to be designed by biophilic design specialist Cookfox, and 400 Channelside, a 19-story, 500,000-sq-ft tower designed by Gensler.

SPP还为其长期建设议程奠定了基础,2018年10月购买了前Conagra Flour Mill网站,该地点位于坦帕水街核心北部,据报道为1300万美元。Bevirt称其为三英亩的地点,对于坦帕水街第二阶段的街头网格与中央商务区相结合。SPP还计划通过市区的核心创建一条新的东西方路线,从而增强了进入坦帕水街和其他水域地区的通道。

SPP also plans to take Water Street Tampa quality-of-life attributes to a new level, making it the first community-level project to be certified under the WELL Building Institute’s seven-category building standard, which focuses on building performance, including air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind.

Complementing LEED, which focuses on design and construction aspects, “WELL requires us to maintain that certification by ensuring buildings operate at a high standard,” Bevirt says. “These kinds of environments build on data that link healthy buildings to healthier people, which means fewer sick days, more productivity and a better quality of life.”

Working with New York City-based wellness real estate planner Delos, SPP will pursue WELL Certification for Water Street Tampa buildings as well as for parks and public spaces—what Nozar calls “the glue that connects those built elements.” They include sidewalks up to 45 ft wide, hundreds of low-pollen trees and integrated sound barriers to support acoustic comfort as well as internet infrastructure to support autonomous and connected vehicles.


“This is something new for Tampa and for Florida,” Nozar says. “The scale of what we’re doing is big, and so too are the expectations. It’s up to us to create something very special.”