General ContractorMcCarthy Building Cos.
Lead Design FirmZGF建筑师
民事Dibble Engineering
副建筑师BWS Architects

晚上9点之后2017年8月3日,在坦佩(Tempe)亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的顶级生物设计学院C上。从麦卡锡建筑物cos。筋疲力尽并被泥覆盖,大约有20群,拖到最近的酒吧,用一两杯啤酒放松身心。他们需要解压缩。他们刚刚花了四个小时从实验室大楼的地下室里救水。

五个小时前,高级项目经理布莱恩·库斯特(Bryan Kuster)坐在附近的办公室里,在听到风风ling叫声时,与两名项目经理一起经过分包商的变更命令。他冲到外面,看到远处的漏斗云。很快它开始像季风一样倒入。

“I looked at my weather app and it said 0% chance of rain,” says Kuster, McCarthy’s vice president for higher education operations.


野外工作人员被召回借给办公室工作人员一只手抬起头来。持续了四个小时。“这不是一场灾难;没有安装干墙。” Kuster说。


ZGF Architects的执行合伙人泰德·海曼(Ted Hyman)说,即使是大学的不同群体,即功能,建筑和科学家,也可以合作,“有点哄骗。”


Counting the basement, the lab is a five-level, 188,447-sq-ft building clad in copper. It will house the same number of principal investigators housed in both other labs, but in roughly 40% less space.



The building, which is targeting LEED Platinum, is designed to use 44% less energy than the other campus labs. The team worked with the school to enact standards for reduced air-change rates. That in turn supported a chilled-beam hydronic system that decouples ventilation from cooling.

The most significant contributor to the building’s low-energy diet is the enhanced run-around loop energy recovery system (ERAL) in the air handlers, says Paul Erickson, a principal with consulting engineer, Affiliated Engineers Inc.



By partnering with a vendor capable of manufacturing the coils and packaging the controls—Konvekta U.S.A.—the complexities of a variable flow ERAL and other enhancements could be achieved with a much higher level of operational confidence, says Erickson.

The team is very proud of the laser lab, also known as a miniature accelerator, that is expected to revolutionize particle physics. The head of the lab, William Graves, was recruited from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The laser is designed to produce an X-ray beam similar to those produced by the very large accelerators at the national labs. The smaller laser will fit into any medical, scientific or industrial lab.


A big hitch: The laser lab, which requires the concrete basement walls to have zero magnetism, was added during design development. McCarthy figured that by degaussing the reinforcing steel to eliminate magnetism, instead of using more-expensive stainless steel rebar, there would be a savings of $1 million. The rebar degaussing process was intense and called for five measuring iterations.




Beyond degaussing and other smaller measures, McCarthy shaved off roughly $1 million by modifying the original connection of the steel trusses that tie the copper envelope to the decks. And a savings of $800,000 came from eliminating basement chillers.

Another departure from the norm was that McCarthy held the contingency and released half to the owner when the structure topped out. That allowed the owner to make enhancements, such as adding a clean room.

