
ENR Midwest 2018 Top Starts

Data Centers Still in High Demand


The data center project is also contributing $54 million in widened roads and fiber optic cables, according to Turner. The project is expected to be completed in the summer of 2020.

同时,Facebook已开始在内布拉斯加州Papillion的六座数据中心扩建中投资10亿美元,预计将占地260万平方英尺和290英亩。总承包商特纳(Turner)从4月开始工作,该综合大楼将包括两座数据中心建筑物,总计900,000平方英尺,由70,000平方英尺的行政大楼预计将于2020年完成。该项目的其余部分预计将完成by June 2023 and is also being built by Turner’s Kansas City, Mo., office. It includes a 670,000-sq-ft complex that houses two more data centers and another administrative building. Facebook already has an existing 970,000-sq-ft data center complex in Papillion.

Facebook正在从奥马哈公共电力区(Omaha Public Power District)为数据中心购买风力,该地区计划从最近开放的Rattlesnake Creek Wind Project购买它,这是2017年中西部地区的最高开局,该项目于一月份开始发电。新利luckFacebook的年度风力将从200兆瓦增加到320兆瓦。


Detroit’s J.L. Hudson’s flagship department store is being redeveloped into a $1-billion mixed-use development connecting an arts district with a retail area. It will also have office and residential space.

The design by New York-based SHoP Architects and local firm Hamilton Anderson Associates includes a 912-ft tower, which will be the tallest building in Michigan, and an adjacent 14-story, 232-ft building. Ground-floor retail, residential units, a hotel, convention space and parking will total more than 1.4 million sq ft.

“对我们来说,最大的举动是这座建筑如何真正与周围环境互动?”开发商Bedrock Detroit设计副总裁James Witherspoon说。“将两座建筑物分开并通过大型开放的玻璃扩展建立连接有助于实现这一目标。”


Chicago Keeps Building Taller

Rounding out the top dozen largest projects is the New York-based Rafael Vinoly Architects-designed $650-million, three-phase NEMA Chicago complex. It’s being built on the southern edge of the city’s Grant Park by general contractor James McHugh Construction.


The second phase, which has not yet broken ground, includes a 648-unit condominium tower and will connect to the other tower at the base. A proposed third phase is a 100-unit townhouse community with open parkland around the base of the towers.

Energy Projects Moving Forward

Several top starts came from the energy sector. The region’s second-largest project is the $2-billion NEXUS Pipeline, a 256-mile, 36-in. natural gas transmission pipeline. The pipeline is a partnership between Edmonton-based Enbridge Inc. and Detroit’s DTE Energy. In October, the system began flowing up to 1.5 billion cu ft daily. Work on the pipeline was approved by FERC and was supposed to begin in November 2017, but portions of it in Ohio and Michigan did not start until 2018.

Enbridge的发言人亚当·帕克(Adam Parker)说:“四年多来,Nexus与土地所有者,主要利益相关者以及州和联邦机构合作,开发了一种平衡的设计,建造和运营管道的方法。”

总部位于波士顿的高级电力北美开始在俄亥俄州威尔斯维尔的13亿美元的南野外电力电厂上建造。同时,TransCanada完成了哥伦比亚管道集团(Columbia Pipeline Group)于去年3月开始的海湾Xpress Pipeline项目,Nucor Corp.开始在密苏里州塞达利亚市的1.2亿美元钢筋钢铁厂进行建设。俄亥俄州托莱多附近的Hot Briquette Iron设施,一项1.05亿美元的投资。