
从历史上看,公用事业建造了“峰值”,通常是由天然气燃料的燃气轮机,以满足需求的尖峰,但在最近的招标中,亚利桑那州的公共服务选择了电池存储项目而不是峰值机。18luck官网“这是公用事业发出信号的流域时刻,” AES Corp的储能董事总经理Manish Kumar说。


Gas-fired generation did make a showing in the solicitation, but it was for the output of an existing plant, not a more expensive, new-build plant. Retail power provider Calpine won a power purchase contract to deliver power to APS from one of its gas plants, but only during the summer and only for seven years. After the contract expires, APS is looking at building another 500 MW of energy storage plants, but the timing of additional solicitations has not been finalized.


AES was one of the winners of APS’ April solicitation for peaking resources. The Arlington, Va., based company won a contract to build and own a 100-MW storage project in Sun City. Invenergy LLC, Chicago, won a contract for a 50-MW storage plant in El Mirage.

For years, proponents of energy storage have argued batteries are better suited to meet peak demand because, unlike gas peakers that might run only a couple of hours a year, a battery can provide voltage support or other services when it is not providing peaking power. Until recently, however, utilities have been reluctant to take that leap.

“It is a groundbreaking moment in part because this a utility in a state which is traditionally gas friendly,” says Ray Hohenstein, market applications director at Fluence, a joint venture of AES and Siemens that provides energy storage equipment and services. “It is a continued recognition of where storage is today,” he says, “and where [APS] sees storage being in a handful of years.”

Chris Ruckman, energy storage director, Burns & McDonnell, says: “APS has jumped to the forefront of storage deployments in the U.S. and is demonstrating that solar combined with battery storage is a viable and powerful option for meeting peak demands with clean energy. Based on inquiries we are receiving from utilities and developers, I believe the majority will be striving to catch up to APS in 2019. … Nearly every utility is now evaluating solar and storage as a true peaking resource. As recently as 2017, there were only a handful of utilities who were thinking about this option. This trend is pushing the whole U.S. power industry toward a new frontier in energy storage and decarbonization.”


峰值存储辩论中的Linchpin是锂离子电池的迅速下降的成本。18luck.cubAPS的招标显示“现在已经达到了预测的跨界点”,哈佛大学博士后环境研究员杰西·詹金斯(Jesse Jenkins)说,他撰写了一篇2016年的论文,预测电池正在赢得对抗Gas Peakers的胜利。

Last summer, Pacific Gas and Electric said it would seek regulatory approval to build three storage projects totaling 567.5 MW in California.
