通过几个城市扩大了一条主要的高速公路,并在上面付费?预期的结果:公众反对和诉讼。但是,如果您是奥兰治县运输管理局(OCTA),则不会。南加州代理商首席执行官达雷尔·约翰逊(Darrell Johnson)回忆说,当您八一时,“环境社区从第一天开始支持它”。

怀疑的城市也赢得了胜利。威斯敏斯特市的城市交通工程师阿道夫·奥扎塔(Adolfo Ozaeta)指出,以19亿美元的405美元扩大为$ 19亿美元的替代方案将需要从该市获取100多个包裹。“通过Octa的公开参与过程……今天,我们正在构建这种替代方案,其中包括永久收购零房屋和企业。它说明了八田的业务方式。我们正在构建一个拥有全县支持的项目。”

The I-405 widening, being built by a joint venture of OHL USA Inc. and Astaldi Construction Corp. is just one of the highlights of the agency’s ambitious 10-year capital program, which also includes a planned $407-million, 4.15-mile streetcar project in Santa Ana. Fueled by voter approval of OC Go, which extends upon a bond measure that transformed the county’s transportation system over the last 20 years, OCTA is riding high on public trust and collaboration with its public and private partners. It is also ENR California’s 2019 Owner of the Year.

Track Record



使用纳税人资金时,“ [八章]兑现了所有诺言。

- 八章首席执行官达雷尔·约翰逊(Darrell Johnson)

Most Measure M freeway projects were completed in the program’s first 10 years. This timetable enabled adding another project—the widening of the Garden Grove Freeway (State Route 22). In total, Measure M delivered 192 lane miles of freeway capacity.


Meature M还于1994年将Metrolink铁路服务带到了奥兰治县。今天,Metrolink在三条橙县线路上提供服务,覆盖了68英里的路线,有11个车站,每年400万次旅客旅行。

“ 30年来,奥兰治县主要是一个汽车社区,”八角顾问HNTB首席业务发展官Kevin Haboian指出。“现在,您可以通过火车到达南加州的许多地方。这是满足社区需求的Octa的演变。”

在2017年,MEAMAING的扩展被称为OC GO。到2041年,OC GO运输投资计划计划应提供超过131亿美元的运输改善。

约翰逊说:“我们兑现了一切诺言。”“它使我们在2006年可以要求2011 - 2041年的新措施 - 我们有很多要求,包括纳税人监督委员会。每三年,就有一次独立的评论来看看我们是否正在交付。”

With one such review completed and positive this year, OCTA is well into its 10-year plan adopted by the board last fall. “What’s important is that we’re pretty conservative, not aspirational in our delivery plan,” says Johnson. By 2026, OCTA will invest $1 billion into local street improvements, $4.3 billion in highways, $1 billion in rail and transit and $40 million in environmental mitigation and water quality runoff improvements. “We have 42 miles of coastline, and we take it very seriously,” says Johnson.


One of the key factors in acquiring buy-in into the I-405 widening, which will improve 16 miles between the SR-73 freeway in Costa Mesa and I-605 near the L.A. County line and add toll express lanes, is OCTA’s open space mitigation program. For the project, the agency acquired 1,300 acres to be set aside as green space. “We set up an endowment for long-term management of the properties,” says Johnson. “It’s about not piecemealing your mitigation.”

The project will replace 18 bridges, improve arterial connections, offer toll options and create better bike and pedestrian paths. “We call it the Freeway of the Future,” says Johnson. “It sounds a little corny, but in a congested urban corridor your footprint is only so wide theoretically. There is a practical limit. How to deal with it and make it work better? How do we make this right from Day 1?”

该机构从一开始就邀请了广泛的公众意见。Haboian说:“我一直很欣赏他们以协作方式开展项目的模式。”18luck官网“当前的项目是一个从2000年代开始的计划研究的过程。随着时间的流逝,它随着公共支持而演变。他们经历了一个不仅是一次或两次会议的过程 - 这是多年来教育董事会成员,当地城市和点来制定解决方案,该解决方案不仅满足了地区需求,而且还满足了社区的需求。”



Mark McLaren, vice president with HDR Inc., notes that “this was the first modern streetcar project to get a New Starts grant rather than a Small Starts. New Starts is a more stringent program for projects with a higher price tag. The fact that this was the first modern streetcar to achieve that goal is a testament to the sound planning that OCTA participated in.”

