In 2018, the Utah Legislature not only handed the Utah Dept. of Transportation a record $1.7-billion budget, it also tasked the agency with looking a little further down the road, so to speak.

“立法机关认为我们已经成长为一个更大的组织,就自动驾驶汽车,人工智能和增长而言,发生了很多事情,因此他们大大扩大了该部门的范围,” UDOT执行董事Carlos Braceras说。。


UDOT currently has 84 projects underway, and for fiscal year 2020, the agency will manage a budget of $1.8 billion. Last year, to fulfill directives from the Legislature, UDOT promoted two employees, Teri Newell and Jason Davis, to fill new deputy director positions. Newell manages planning and investment and Davis leads engineering and operations.

尽管这些行政变更正在进行中,但该机构继续进行重大项目。18luck官网最大的是在犹他州北端的高速公路和州高速公路互换的4.5亿美元的重新配置和改进,被称为技术走廊。渐进设计建设合同包括新的立交桥,道路重新调整和扩大。它是由Ames Construction和Wadsworth Brothers Construction的合资企业完成的。

还在建设中,是盐湖县15号州际公路的1.36亿美元扩大,由总部位于犹他州的拉尔夫·L·沃兹沃思建筑公司(Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction)领导。该项目增加了一个新的南行车道,从2100向南到南12300年,并在I-15/州际公路215 South交汇处重新设计了南行坡道,以改善交通流量。

今年夏天,工作人员将完成重建I-215 from the I-15 interchange in North Salt Lake to 2200 North. Sundt Construction’s work on the $25-million project is focused this spring on completing a new diverging diamond interchange (DDI) at Redwood Road and I-215.



In his new position as deputy director of engineering and operations, Davis has been overseeing implementation and testing of new technologies for the agency.

Last year the agency piloted a Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal System. It allows buses and other public vehicles to communicate with traffic signals in real time to keep traffic running as smoothly as possible on major arterials.


“The [Utah] Legislature ... broadened the scope of the department significantly.”

– Carlos Braceras, Executive Director, UDOT

“The bus talks with the signals and the signals talk with the bus,” Davis says. “The system knows where the bus is—if it’s on schedule, how many people are on the bus—and it can make decisions to adjust signals to keep it on schedule. We’ve seen a remarkable increase in reliability on the route, starting in the low 80% of on-time arrival up to the low 90%.”

The system has since been expanded to the two BRT vehicles operating in Provo and was tested on several snowplows this winter. “If we can give our snowplows signal preemption, we can get the roads cleared quicker, and that makes it safer for everyone,” Davis says. “We are going to evaluate what we saw from the tests we did at the end of this winter, and it may be something we expand to our fleet.”



In its recent session, the state Legislature adopted a measure to address the liability and legality of driverless vehicles. Partnering with a company called Easy Mile, UDOT driverless shuttles will be deployed in contained areas like shopping mall parking lots and university and state agency campuses, Davis says.

“It is really not very exciting when you first use it because it’s slow,” says Braceras. “But we don’t really want it to be exciting. We want people to see the capability and get used to it and see where we’re going.”




“We are not sure what will come out of this process at this point, but in the end it will influence our project prioritization process,” Newell says. “The last time we made updates to our prioritization process was 15 years ago, and we know it is time to update it. We want to know what comes out of this visioning process so we can match up projects with statewide goals in mind.”

纽厄尔部门内部的部门还将包括一个技术和创新集团,该小组收集和分析该机构收集的数据。“我们收集了很多数据,” Braceras说。“当我们将所有这些数据彼此放置时,我们认为我们将能够提出更好的问题并获得更好的答案。”

Newell says bringing the collected data together within one group will allow it to be more useful. Among the new projects is a program to charge electric and alternative-fuel vehicles a fee for miles driven as a way to address the problem of lower tax revenue as many vehicles operate outside the reach of gasoline taxes and as fuel efficiency increases.
