The road to innovation can be a long and winding one, but it might be hard to rival the path followed by the Ocean Renewable Power Co., of Portland, Maine, and its RivGen submersible electric power generating system, which is designed for installation on riverbeds and is based upon the company’s tide-driven units for maritime locations.

4月17日,ORPC在缅因州不伦瑞克省Rivgen Power System的商业产品启动,以纪念即将到来的交付(自2014年以来的第三次),该系统是该系统的版本,该系统是到阿拉斯加偏远的河流社区的。除了这段时间,除了测试单元外,一个全面的潜水系统计划于6月在Kvichak河中安装,作为Igiugig的35 kW电源,该村庄是一个人口,人口80个位于西南约240英里锚地。



ORPC项目开发总监蒙蒂·沃辛顿(Monty Worthington)说:“这是一个很棒的测试案例,因为它异常复杂。”“ [如果]我们可以在那里得到它……我们应该能够获得大多数地方,这是归结的。”


The 51.5-ft-long by 46.9-ft-wide chassis, or crib, is designed to be floated into place, restrained by anchored cables attached to the upstream ends, and then submerged by flooding the pontoons. Locally available vessels and contractors can reverse the process for retrieval and annual maintenance by pumping air back into the pontoons through a permanently installed umbilical cord and “self-deploying, self-retrieving” system.

The full assembly is 11.5 ft tall and weighs 32.5 tons. The total turbine capture area is 194 sq ft and it is designed for a maximum operational water velocity of 3.5 meters per second. The rated power output at that velocity is 80 kW, but the installation is expected to generate 35 to 40 kW in the more normal flow rate of 2.25 m/sec.


ORPC首席执行官克里斯·索尔(Chris Sauer)表示:“在整个北美,有数百个社区依靠柴油100%。向偏远地区交付成本的挑战,但这些社区中的大多数都坐在非常好的河流或潮汐资源上。”


汤姆·索耶(Tom Sawyer)和约翰娜(Johanna Knapschaefer)