Hazards Ahead由于上个月淹没了邻近的社区和州,爱荷华州锡达拉皮兹的居民在2008年毁灭性的洪水后采取了一些障碍和措施,对水的障碍和措施感到舒适,这将有助于保护他们随着水的飙升。3月,雪松河上升至18.1英尺,高于洪水高6英尺,但距离2008年的纪录31.12 Crest。由于仍在建造墙壁和堤坝,因此今年的水上需要在城市中临时障碍,以增加自2008年以来安装的堤防和泵。然而,最大的区别是该市已经准备好了。

“我们有恐慌,但我们学到了巨大的正在t since the 2008 floods, so we made physical investments, things such as levees and pumps and, in some areas, a flood wall” says Jeffrey Pomeranz, the city manager of Cedar Rapids. “We’ve also become much more educated on how to protect ourselves.”

Just as they did in 2016 when the river rose to 21.6 ft, emergency personnel put up temporary flood protections in March, including stackable HESCO sand-filled, wire-mesh and impermeable fabric barriers in low-lying areas to augment permanent protection, which includes new high-power pumps, stronger levees, and a flood wall along the east side of the river. Even as Cedar Rapids was flooding in 2008, Boston-based planning firm Sasaki was pitching a master plan to make the city more resilient. Two of Sasaki’s landscape architects were in Cedar Rapids when the 2008 flood hit.

雪松急流的弹性方法涉及加强高风险区域,同时还整合由2008年后的房屋和商业购买计划创建的绿色空间。该系统最终将包括塞达河​​(Cedar River)的东岸和西岸沿着市区的7英里的堤坝和洪水平原。堤防和土地收购的总成本估计在5.5亿至7.5亿美元之间,具体取决于它们完成的速度。


The city is currently focused on improving its east bank. In June, Cedar Rapids was awarded $76 million in grants and $41 million as an optional low-interest loan through a federal emergency supplemental appropriation for flood protection measure. The Army Corps of Engineers also committed $117 million for river infrastructure improvements.

Quaker Oats校园附近的1,420万美元的洪水墙和新波西米亚附近的更多泵在最近的洪水事件中提供了帮助。HDR,Stanley Consultants和Anderson Bogert致力于新的波西米亚改进。

纽约市以房屋和城市发展社区发展街区赠款的资金收购了2008年洪水损坏的1,400多个物业。锡达拉皮兹(Cedar Rapids)在2008年至2010年之间支付了9390万美元的收购:住宅物业的5810万美元,企业3580万美元。支出是这些物业的洪水预评估价值的107%。甚至遭受洪灾的国家捷克国家和斯洛伐克博物馆和图书馆也被移至更高的地面。

“我来这里将近十年。当我每周第一次到Cedar Rapids时,我必须从我们进行的所有收购中签署一大笔文件。达到这一点,很多人的工作是很多人的工作。


萨萨基景观实践的高级助理劳拉·马雷特(Laura Marett)说:“我们做了一项全面的系统计划。”“由于洪水保护计划或多或少地确定了220英亩的新洪水平原绿空间,因此想法是,有一个可洪水的生态走廊,也层面上有使所有人受益的计划和便利设施。我认为从来没有愿意离开河。这是社区的核心。”




雪松急流will spend $20 million on resilience projects this year, which are mainly on the east bank. That amount will increase to an estimated $35 million to $40 million in 2020 and then to at least $50 million in 2021 and 2022.






“When we’re doing the flood management strategy process with the community, we put out extreme ideas to tease out people’s interest such as, ‘What if you retreated all the way from the 500 yard flood plain?’ and ‘What if you built walls right up to the river?’ They didn’t want exactly the same with higher walls. They really wanted to rebuild in a more resilient way, that would [also] create this room for the river,” Marett says.