A Toronto area contractor at the center of a series of delays to major projects in Ontario, including a $139-million hospital expansion, has won court protection from its creditors. The Ontario Superior Court earlier this month granted Bondfield Construction Co.’s application for protection, court records show.


Lenders called the insurance bond on the project, posted by Zurich Insurance, to gain access to funding needed to complete the project.



Bondfield is the main contractor on up to $740 million in projects across Ontario. At least two others also have fallen behind schedule.

承包商的努力配合大苏尔ge in losses at Zurich, which fielded more than $400 million in Canadian claims in the fourth quarter of 2018, said Greg Petrela, president of construction insurance broker Petrela, Winter & Associates, citing filings to the federal agency that regulates federally registered banks. insurers, trust and loan companies, as well as private pension plans subject to federal oversight.





邦德菲尔德总统约翰·阿基诺(John Aquino)在一份法院宣誓书中说,去年已针对该公司或其董事会提起了200多起诉讼,与无偿潜水艇或违反合同有关。

Aquino attributed the firm’s financial issues in part to its inability to raise new financing after an $80-million credit facility matured last year.