

The subsidies do not interfere with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’ (FERC) authority to set power rates, the courts said.



A group of energy economists agreed with EPSA that the nuclear subsidies distort pricing and undermine markets because they give guaranteed income to existing uneconomic generating units.

“The focus now shifts back to FERC,” said John Shelk, EPSA’s president and CEO, noting the agency has also said such decisions are is in its hands now.

“Absent a comprehensive energy policy in this country, it’s understandable that states are providing subsidies,” Paul Patterson, an analyst with Glenrock Associates tells ENR. Subsidies makes sense until it is clear where markets and technology are going, he says.


“We have a moral obligation to our fellow citizens to do everything we can to decrease carbon emissions,” Joseph Fiordaliso, president of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) said April 18 when it awarded zero emissions subsidies to the state’s only nuclear plants, Salem and Hope Creek, even though they are economically viable.

Hope Creek的所有者兼塞勒姆Exelon的联合所有者公共服务企业集团表示,BPU投票的前一天将关闭工厂,而无需每年3亿美元的补贴。

“We are pleased with the decision to help support New Jersey’s primary supply of zero-carbon electricity,” PSEG said in a statement.

有担忧补贴将在expense of other forms of zero emission energy. “My biggest concern is whether the $300-million subsidy will come at the expense of [future investments] in the solar and wind industry,” Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club said in an interview.

In Pennsylvania, a zero emissions Senate bill introduced April 17 would add nuclear plants as zero carbon producers. It also would add more emission credits for renewable generation to quell opposition from environmentalists.



In New York, Entergy Corp. agreed April 16 to sell the three nuclear units at Indian Point to a Holtec International subsidiary for decommissioning after they are shuttered. Unit 1 shut down in 1974. Entergy reached an agreement with the state of New York to shutter the remaining two units in 2020 and 2021.