A new expo and conference called AEC BuildTech— held in Rosemont, Ill., April 30 to May 2—brought together attendees and suppliers to explore best practices in implementing new technologies in the buildings sector.

“如果有人学到了一门教训,我们应该作为一个行业建立这些课程,” Weitz Co. Bunge的高级项目经理Ben Bunge与Waldinger的Pivotek和Monty Muller和Monty Muller介绍了Kent Hodson,Pivotek和Monty Muller。Corp.,两家公司提供了预制模块,以加快爱荷华州得梅因市希尔顿酒店的建设。Bunge和他的团队分享了有关安装Pivotek和机械/电气架的预制浴室吊舱以及Waldinger管道的课程。邦格说,在浴室豆荚上预装的东西上,一堂课变得“过于激进”,以将它们抬起半英寸的粘合剂。“我们不得不回去'撤消几个物品。’”

Dodge数据与分析技术研究高级总监Steve Jones在ENR的父母BNP Media赞助的活动中告诉与会者,该行业“通过其数字化转型占三分之一。”新利luck具体而言,他指出了2017年道奇智能市场报告“连接设计和构建”的结果,该报告发现,当所有关键团队成员在集成数字工作流程中使用构建信息建模时,有61%的人报告了进度的计划绩效,59%报告​​的质量提高,有44%的人报告材料废物减少,公司盈利能力提高了40%,项目成本降低了39%。

John Jacobs, CIO of JE Dunn, said in a session about contractor-developed tools that contractors need to be able to deep-link with vendor-provided tools to find methods to use their data in the best way for their workflows. In Dunn’s case, this includes proprietary development, deep links with Microsoft, a custom integration with Autodesk design tools and an integration with the ERP system, CMiC.

“If you’re selling a platform, period, it doesn’t really work for us,” he said.