Las Vegas is betting that The Boring Company can have a new automated people mover system for the city’s Convention Center complex ready by the end of 2020, awarding a $48.7 million contract for a nearly one-mile express-loop tunnel system.

Scheduled to begin construction in September, the project calls for twin tunnels connecting three underground stations to be located around the 200-acre Convention Center complex, which is currently undergoing a $935 million expansion program that will add 1.4 million square feet of space. According to The Boring Company, the system will use modified autonomous Tesla electric vehicles that carry up to 16 passengers each, providing a full operational system capacity of 4,400 passengers per hour. A complete trip on the loop would take approximately one minute, according to the company.

该项目标志着自2016年由企业家埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)于2016年成立以来,该项目是加利福尼亚州霍桑公司的第一家商业合同。除了其总部附近的1.1英里测试隧道外,没有其他无聊的公司项目超出了环境审查和许可阶段。18luck官网与芝加哥市达成了一项暂定协议,该协议于去年夏天宣布,在市区和奥黑尔国际机场之间建立了新的隧道连接,似乎在最近的支持者拉赫姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)从市长办公室出发的情况下停滞了。

拉斯维加斯大会和游客管理局的首席执行官兼总裁史蒂夫·希尔(Steve Hill)对挖掘无聊公司未经测试的技术的挑剔而表示不满意,以支持更常规,更昂贵的表面运输替代方案。希尔在一份声明中说,该市“将继续通过创新来提升我们访客的经验,例如在这个项目中,并专注于客人的当前和未来需求。”

Funding for the people mover system will come from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitor Authority’s general fund. The Boring Company won’t be playing with house money, however, as its fixed-price contract calls for payments to be made upon completion of specific construction milestones, as well as a full refund if the project is not completed. Post-construction penalties will also be assessed should the system fail to operate at full capacity during the first 15 Convention Center events. That includes the system’s scheduled January 2021 debut at the Consumer Electronics Show, which attracted more than 182,000 attendees earlier this year.

Nevertheless, The Boring Company asserts via its website that the convention center project could be the first step in a potential city-wide network linking downtown Las Vegas, the Strip and McCarran International Airport, with a possible future extension to Los Angeles.