May 12-13, 2022

由Enr Magazine新利luck和Peckar&Abramson提出
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由Enr Magazine新利luck和Peckar&Abramson提出
Groundbreaking Women in Construction18luck 最新 劳动力多元化和包容性GWIC in the News

New Voices Emerge in Industry's Push for Workforce Growth

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The Groundbreaking Women in Construction conference also generated debate over issues of "tokenism" for women climbing the ranks, and explored how employers are recognizing bias concerns of LGBTQ+ professionals that could affect productivity and corporate bottom lines.

The conference, hosted in San Francisco on May 23-24 by ENR and law firm Peckar & Abramson, drew more than 750 industry men and women at all corporate levels.

麦肯锡对279家公司的研究表现出入新利luck学职位的性别余额,在经理级别,白人女性越野秀,27%至46%,副总统级别的职位占24%,而白人男子则为59%。合作伙伴香农·佩洛金(Shannon Peloquin)。


“Men are one-third more likely to get promoted than women. That first promotion becomes really really important,” she said. For every 100 men who are promoted, 79 women are promoted, dropping to 69 for women of color, the study showed.

“这很鲜明,” Peloquin说,在建筑中更是如此。对于麦肯锡研究中较小的研究子集的E&C公司来说,女新利luck性占副总统的14%,而所有企业中有29%。

“大多数男人对性别发展都是被动的,”前设计公司首席执行官泰德·洛德(Ted Lower)说,他现在是人力资源和领导力教练,担任LVNV集团顾问主管。“我在该领域的首席执行官工作了25年以上。首席执行官的主要问题是被动性和宽容,可以像以前那样移动球。”




McKinsey points to “workplace micro-aggressions” for women that “underpin day-to-day experience,” said Peloquin. About 31% of female respondents said they had to show more evidence of competence, compared to 16% of men.

女人常常被认为是更小的y are, she noted. About 36% reported questions on their judgement vs. just 27% of men. Women also report less day-to-day support from their managers, the study revealed.

Men: Don't Look for Yourself, Look for the Best

A panel of male contractor executives acknowledged the disparities and noted efforts by their firms to look past gender in rewarding talent and performance.

萨福克建筑执行副总裁杰伊·坦尼(Jay Tangney)说:“男人,不要寻找自己,寻找最好的。”。

"There was a lot of #Me-too negative news out there," he said. "We started a process to understand that. There was a lot of room for improvement."

The firm formed a shareholder-sponsored diversity and inclusion council that outreaches to a number of employee groups, said Tangney, adding that the diversity push "has to be properly funded like any other mission in your business."

Eric Stenman, president of Balfour Beatty Buildings, acknowledged that in the U.S., the firm is "in its infancy" on diversity and inclusion, but has looked deeper into its gender balance in the last two years, with new leadership and a template from its UK-based parent, which must meet just-enacted government rules requiring larger firms to report annually on gender pay disparity.


"D&I has become a strategic imperative for us," said Stenman. "There are many talented people out there. We have to peel back the layers of the onion."

Chad Mathes, executive vice president of Dragados USA, stressed that outreach to women is for "self preservation. We're doing it because we want to and need to."

Women's leadership coach and author Sally Helgesen counseled women attendees to recognize their behaviors that may impede upward movement, such as expecting peers and managers to automatically notice their contributions. "Our responsibility is to bring attention to what we do," she said, noting that "women tend to pull back so they're not seen as too self-promoting."






"I really struggle that labels and qualifiers and profiling are defining who I am," said Jacqueline Dompe, an industry veteran who now directs operations in several western states for project management firm JLL.

"I don't want to be known as the woman in the room. It is the contribution that I make and hopefully the influence I have that I want to be known for and not my gender."

PCL Vice President Cathy Orquiola said while her professional credibility should be "defined by the ROI and the value I'm driving," she added that "being a woman is actually a differentiator, and being the only woman at the table is a pretty powerful place of influence. I'm able to empower others and bring names forward that perhaps would never be brought to that room or to that table. And so I've kind of come full circle on this."

Lucy Villanueva, project executive at DPR, urged attendees that "however you get in there, the fact that you're there, make something of it."

What #Me-Too Started

Industry women and outside experts noted much progress in how women, work peers and employers are responding to workplace harassment and related #Me-Too movement issues since 2018 when they made headlines in many business sectors, including architecture and construction.

纽约的律师戴安娜·普鲁(Diana Plue)说,现在有10个州正在接受骚扰培训和合规规则,但她承认,大多数州并不要求雇主定义预防策略或为制定此类计划提供明确的指导。

Marsha Maytum, principal of Leddy, Maytum, Stacy Architects said that while "laws are important" to handle still-ongoing incidents on jobsites and elsewhere, "having every business do training is an important first step to change." She added, "clear policy comes from leadership, but everyone on staff is the voice of the company."

Monica Ballard, president of Parallax Education in Los Angeles, pointed to need for more focused attention on educating the industry to recognize "unconscious bias," noting that "a lot of people still don't get it."


设计公司的合伙人Melody Abiola说:“如果您可以上班,完成您的工作,并可以为整个人所承认,您正在做得更好,并且将得到晋升。”阿鲁普。

特纳建筑公司在北加州的社区外展经理Elena Anaya表示,该公司正在与当地企业集团合作,包括更多的LGBTQ+建筑分包商,以识别并获得认证,以成为其供应链的一部分。

美国建筑管理协会主席安德里亚·鲁特里奇(Andrea Rutledge)说:“迈出第一步的最困难是无知因素。”

Looking Ahead

新一代的印度河try professionals and leaders are instilling critical culture change also in how people can best get the job done.


旧金山ZFA结构工程师的设计师Lindsey Broderick说:“我之所以削减薪水,是因为我认为这将为我提供更多的学习和受到挑战的机会。”

While still pursuing her career path, Anne Robertson, a master's degree candidate in geosystems engineering at the University of California–Berkeley, advised women peers seeking advancement in a still male-dominated sector to challenge the status quo and not to "wait for the opportunities to come to you.”

Olfa Hamdi, a 30-something consultant and expert in capital project management and advanced work packaging who left a corporate job to become an entrepreneur and now counsels big project owners, encouraged attendees to have a “willingness to embrace change and take chances."

She said: "That construction is resistant to change is a myth.”

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