A vision for a 21st-century school is becoming reality with the renovation and expansion underway at Houston Independent School District’s Lamar High School.


珀金斯+威尔·威尔(Perkins+Will)的高级项目建筑师凯瑟琳·道尔顿(Catherine Dalton)表示,在设计开始之前,项目团队了解到拉马尔的新校园将是独特的 - 在该地区甚至州的任何事物都不一样。

HISD支持当时学校的校长詹姆斯·麦克斯温(James McSwaine),他希望“激活变革并设计一所学校,使学生成为全球思想家,拥有全面的21世纪技能,以将其推向未来的前锋职业,” Dalton解释说。


承包商Gilbane Building Co.于2014年加入了该团队,该团队的建筑经理处于高风险合同,建筑成本为1.05亿美元。

“That was to begin our preconstruction efforts with HISD and the design team to reimagine and design a school that’s built for the future,” says Mike Chowaniec, project manager with Gilbane. “So that design process worked its way through the usual process up to about 2016, when it first went out for bid to subcontractors.”


拉马尔(Lamar)现有的校园建于1937年,并于1987年扩展。设施包括三座学术建筑,一座自助餐厅,自助餐厅和图书馆。该项目团队正在建造一个新的288,979平方英尺,四层楼的学术翼,其中包括一个两层楼的田径翼,带有20,000平方英尺的健身房和一个带有8,000平方英尺的游泳池和202,920平方米- 英尺,五层预制停车场。



- Leo Lopez,Project Architect,Perkins+Will

Some of the other existing buildings on campus were demolished along with surface parking, opening up space for the new athletic fields.

“The new design is much more compact and concentrated to the east, which allows room for fields to the west,” says Leo Lopez, project architect with Perkins+Will.




Other items included under the project’s scope are a 4,450-sq-ft central utility plant, two and a half football fields, a full-size track, a baseball field, softball field and three tennis courts, along with a dining facility featuring 6,500 sq ft of culinary lab and kitchen space, with 16 distributed dining pods, plus a 4,000-sq-ft theater.


“Potable water use reduction was achieved through use of efficient low-flow fixtures and using native and adaptive plant species,” says Megan Recher, sustainable building adviser with Perkins+Will. “In addition, waste diversion on this project is tracking at 92%, primarily through repurposing demolished building materials from the existing buildings for other uses.”


To realize a vision of a 21st-century school, Perkins+Will’s predesign strategy involved forming a committee that visited educational facilities with innovative models as well as the International Baccalaureate National Headquarters, Google and IDEO to “understand the Lamar learner profile we were trying to build for,” Dalton says.

“One of the key pieces was designing a school that could grow and change with changes in education,” says Rita Graves, who became principal of Lamar in 2018. “They wanted to design a building that didn’t just look like and feel like what education has looked like and felt like for 100 plus years, but something that is really innovative.”

Given the size of both Lamar’s campus and student body of more than 3,000, sometimes it is hard for students to feel connected, Graves says. The design team was asked to make a big school feel like a small one. The solution was four flexible learning spaces, with four “neighborhoods” within each space—each neighborhood is assigned about 175 students. These smaller learning communities each have four core content teachers (science, math, history and English).


学校还取消了贝尔时间表和传统的itional lunch rotations, and “the design responded by incorporating large open flexible spaces supported by amenity suites and break-out spaces for one-on-one and/or group instruction,” Dalton says. The amenity suites include restrooms, teacher suites and distributed dining with grab-and-go catering so students can eat at any time of day.

There were some structural challenges to incorporate these flexible spaces, Dalton explains, such as trying to reduce the number of columns in the open cohort area while working with the structural span limitations and cantilevered floors.


Unknowns and Challenges


“For instance, the metal panel cladding system was value engineered to a more economical panel construction,” Chowaniec says. In addition, a specific resinous flooring product that the design team used on some past projects was swapped for one that looked and performed the same but cost less.

一个很大的障碍是众多无证件公用事业线。他说:“每次发现某事时,直接关注的是要维持现有校园的服务” - 他说,工作时间就完成了。

TAS Commercial Concrete放置的学校的基础和板上使用了13,000多种混凝土。




- Gilbane Building Co.项目经理Mike Chowaniec。

Since the new academic wing stands four stories tall, the building is framed in 1,850 tons of structural steel, with 300 tons of steel joists and decking. The sequencing of that structure had to be carefully coordinated with steel erector Steel Fabricators of Monroe, Chowaniec says.

Minimal laydown areas on site required just-in-time delivery of the steel. Since the structural steel design is robust, that also left less space overhead for MEP systems, Chowaniec explains.



Gilbane used BIM 360 to track progress and quality on site as well as 3D printing to create a scaled model and site plan the project team could use during both preconstruction and coordination meetings.


为了将新学校与现有建筑物联系起来,设计要求将砌体混合在一起。Winco Masonry安装了超过28,000平方英尺的砖砌。Chowaniec指出,新的学术翼有砖砌外墙,但其他建筑物的外墙完全不同。

“Put the buildings next to each other and they’re two different components,” he says. “I think that’s the intent—it shows the future school versus the history of where the school started.”




“Since construction changes so fast, having students know where the safe path is to get from where they’re dropped off to the school is critical,” Chowaniec adds.

Gilbane’s project team has worked 800,000 man hours with one recordable and zero lost time incidents.
