肯纳·金斯敦(Kenner Kingston)是位于盐湖城建筑联系人的总裁,他的办公桌上有一些示意图的素描,他正在与该公司的一位员工一起评论。这些图纸不适合最先进的实验室或医院的新机翼,这是该公司特别突出的市场细分市场。相反,它们是一个系统,该系统将收集和重复使用雨水,以便在该州东南部的一个沙漠小镇犹他州的摩押市一栋离网的房屋。该公司正在与一个社区非营利组织合作,该组织协助低收入居民建造自己的可持续稻草屋房屋。


“In the past five or so years, we’ve had a real shift in our thinking. It is not about the project or the building, it is about the people. We are people driven in the pursuit of meaningful experiences,” Kingston says, paraphrasing the firm’s mission statement.

自2003年詹森·哈斯勒姆(Jensen Haslem)建筑师和托马斯·彼得森·哈蒙德(Thomas Petersen Hammond)建筑师合并以来,建筑Nexus经常在Intermountain地区排名前10名。该公司在盐湖城和加利福尼亚州萨克拉曼多拥有近120名员工和办事处,2017年的收入为1990万美元,随后去年为2200万美元。

Robb Harrop, director of design for the firm, says creating those meaningful experiences in the built environment means finding out what is most important to clients.


Diverse Design Studio

Architectural Nexus has completed several projects for the St. Luke’s Health System, which is based in Boise, including a $114-million hospital in Nampa that opened in fall 2017. Sandee Gehrke, vice president of operations at St. Luke’s, says the range of specialties at Architectural Nexus and its attention to detail have been a great asset.

“They came in and took time to learn from us as an organization about what makes us what we are,” Gehrke says. “They helped with conversations with our frontline staff and really brought things to a higher level. They realized our brand identity is rooted in our history in this area. They designed great facilities for us that also reflect our brand identity.”

“We are people driven in the pursuit of meaningful experiences.”

– Kenner Kingston, President, Architectural Nexus

Beginning in the late ’90s, Architectural Nexus has designed all four phases of the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and most recently completed the fourth phase, a 230,000-sq-ft, $100-million research and office facility.

HCI执行董事Ben Tanner说,建筑联系人知道并理解“癌症患者的需求,他们从这种角度处理事情”。“他们以对患者有意义的方式应用设计,可能不是在传统医院做的。

“Their thoughtful work shows up in our patient satisfaction surveys. Patients always have great things to say about the look and feel of our buildings, and it’s a wonderful place for our clinical and research staff as well,” he adds.

Architectural Nexus is currently at work on phase five of the HCI, Tanner says.

除医疗保健外,建筑Nexus还设计了最近在盐湖城完成的多户和综合用途项目,其中包括1,6000万美元,40万平方英尺的五金村庄公寓和公寓,以及700万美元,48,000平方英尺18luck官网ft residential and retail building in the city’s popular 9th and 9th district.

该公司还设计了全国各地的高等教育设施,去年负责在怀俄明州吉列特市的吉列学院(Gillette College)的大学活动中心完成。该建筑包括2100个座位的篮球竞技场,运动员的支持设施和多种用途的灵活空间。

Employee Ownership



该公司还拥有广泛的指导计划来培养下一代员工,除了运营副总裁朱莉·贝雷斯(Julie Berreth)称之为“非常平坦的薪酬结构”,并承诺向员工支付生活工资。贝雷斯说,该公司最近加入了国际生活研究所的Just计划,该计划为社会正义和多样性问题提供了指南,评级和外部审计。

“这都是我们的一部分,试图编织在一起walk the talk of sustainability and regenerative design with social justice and empowering our people to grow,” says Berreth.

To align the firm’s philanthropic efforts with its values of social justice, Architectural Nexus created the Nexus Builds program about two years ago. Drawing on traditions of the design-build studio, Nexus Builds has partnered with the Seattle-based Block program, which designs, builds and places tiny houses for the homeless on donated spaces within a city. In a corner of the parking lot at the firm’s headquarters, employees have designed and are constructing a tiny, off-the-grid home that will be delivered to Seattle this summer.

建筑Nexus通讯总监Brian Cassil表示,该建筑项目与其他志愿者计划不同。他说:“这是非常有目的的驱动,但从本质上讲,这也是关于掌握以及如何更好地在我们做的事情上做得更好的。”“我们的下一个项目可能会更靠近家,但这确实使我们很多人吸引了我们,并使我们感到兴奋。”




建筑联系是该地区可持续和环保设计的早期支持者之一。2010年,该公司的盐湖城办公室成为该地区最早的LEED Platinum认证建筑物之一。

“我们希望为项目带来更高的愿景,这超出了客户的预期。我们不想看一座陷入现场的建筑物,而是如何增强更广泛的社区和周围的人。”贝雷斯说。“我们尝试尽可能多地推动事情。即使我们今天没有将PV [Photovoltaic]面板之类的东西放在今天的项目上,我们也希望预期它们可能有一天会添加一天,并为他们或其他以后的可持续系统设计空间。”

But, much like the schematics for the water collection and reuse system that sat on his desk, Kingston sees the firm’s values and future expressed best in its design of its Sacramento office, a renovated office and warehouse building that opened in 2016 in the capital’s historic district. The building was designed and renovated using guidelines from the International Living Future Institute’s Living Building Challenge.

The completed project includes a composting system, onsite agriculture, onsite water filtration and treatment, highly efficient electrical systems and a solar PV array. It received level four LEED Platinum certification and in 2018 was recognized as the first Living Building in California and only the 19th in the world by ILFI.


他说:“再生设计试图将建筑环境恢复到更自然的状态。”“它将建筑物视为栖息地,而不是像Le Corbusier那样将建筑物视为生活机器。我认为我们行业中越来越多的人开始唤醒这个想法。我在接下来的五年中感到兴奋,因为我认为我们在再生设计的即将来临的增长方面处于完美状态。”